Robin Norwood

Bestselling Author of Women Who Love Too Much

"Julia Loggins' deeply personal style of communication draws us into dialogue with a warm, wise, and loving friend who sees us, truly sees us and wholeheartedly approves of what she sees. Through her own example, we are encouraged to journey beyond seeking others approval—delicious but only temporarily fulfilling and always leaving us craving more—to our own, the unqualified self acceptance that will free us for all of our days. This book is Julia’s menu for our very own banquet. Indulge. Imbibe. Saver who and what you already are dashes wonderful, wonderful you!"

Michael Galtzer, M.D.

Medical Director, American Health Institute

"God bless Julia Loggins. Not only is she the sweetest and one of the most loving persons that you'll ever meet, she's also brilliant, talented and understands how to help people recover their health. Your health is your most precious possession and Julia shows you what you need to do in order to optimize it."

Julia T. Hunter

M.D. Holistic Dermatologist

"Julia Loggins is the embodiment of caring that you know how to create and maintain health plus the inner and outer beauty that follows. She owns the experience, wisdom, and enlightenment necessary to teach in step-wise fashion how to achieve this most cherished goal. FOLLOW THE LEADER!"

Hyla Cass

M.D. & Author, 8 Weeks to Vibrant Health

"Julia's Happy Gut Makeover is a fabulous first step in saving your health and sanity. Happiness, vitality & longevity are connected to brain chemistry, hormones, digestion and lifestyle. Take charge of your own body to avoid or heal depression and fatigue. Do this program. You can be happy and healthy again!"

Julie Taguchi, M.D.


"No one else can teach you the health and happiness perspective better than Julia Loggins. What you eat absolutely affects your genes and how they respond! Whether you are battling a serious illness; or just want to get and stay healthy and happy; this program is a great place to start!"
