My health was once a “hopeless” situation.
Doctors proclaimed I would not live past 17.
Once I did, they said I would never have children.
However, defying their predictions … I lived. And, since I first saved my own life, I have been able to help thousands save theirs.
No one in my circles could have imagined that I would grow to be that lucky mama below—holding the hands of my beautiful daughter! Again, I had defied doctor diagnoses.
Born Allergic to Everything
I was born “allergic to the twentieth century.” My body’s reactions to environmental pollutants, toxic foods, and household chemicals spawned life-threatening asthma by the time I was age five. By 10, I suffered from migraines, bleeding ulcers, colitis, rheumatoid arthritis–plus diverticulitis. While on steroids for 12 years, I endured three near-death scares due to anaphylactic shock. My family lost hope that I would live past my teens.
If I Can Heal, So Can You
It did not happen overnight, but I finally found the keys out of my Hell! For the next ten years, I was lucky enough to be invited to study with pioneers of the natural health movement, as well as icons in mind-body psychology.
Meanwhile, as I built my hydrocolon therapy practice, the first round of clients who came were seriously ill and had lost all hope and willpower. Since then, in 37 years of practice, I have led thousands to find the willpower and tools to heal their digestion, shed bloat and brain fog, and activate the high energy they thought only belonged to top-shelf athletes.
And, I was not going to kiss all that goodbye just because of aging—and I don’t want you to, either. Flabby and crabby is not our new normal.
The Best is Yet to Come!
I want you to do what you were put on earth to do—from playing with grandchildren to traveling the world. Perhaps you dream to be the founder of a heart-centered project—with more energy, focus, and optimism than you’ve ever felt before!
In the words of Mary Oliver, “What do you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”