What Are Superbugs?
Superbugs are antibiotic-resistant bacteria and they are making the news. Department of Defense researchers announced last month that they identified an antibiotic-resistant strain of E. Coli in the urine of a Pennsylvania woman. The E. Coli bacteria contained a gene known as MCR-1.
Superbugs have evolved in part, from an overuse of antibiotics; and colistin is a popular last-resort antibiotic to kill superbugs. Although antibiotics are living organisms, scientists did not expect colistin, a super antibiotic, to encounter such resistance. But with the emergence of MCR-1 genes in human and animal bacteria, this has changed. Colistin has no power against bacteria armed with MCR-1 genes. With this news, bacteria has unofficially moved to the superbug level!
Superbugs are a huge problem. According to Vox, an American news website,”In the United States alone, antibiotic resistant infections are now associated with 23,000 deaths and 2 million illnesses every year. By 2050, a UK report suggested drug-resistant infections will kill more people than cancer.”
Why Do Superbugs Exist?
The liberal use of antibiotics in the meat industry has accelerated the growth of superbugs. Eighty percent of United States antibiotics are used on livestock. You may think, I never take antibiotics! However, if you eat conventional poultry or meat, you do consume them. North Carolina farm animals consume more of these drugs than all Americans combined, reports say.
Fortune Magazine reports that this problem is as critical as climate change. The Center for Disease Control says, “It is the end of the road for antibiotics unless we act urgently.” What does “act urgently” mean? We can hope that Big Pharma directs their resources towards creating new antibiotics. However, this is not lucrative like making new vaccines–a billion-dollar industry with precious little regulation. In this country, it is easier to bring a vaccine to market than an antibiotic. I would not bet my life on this waiting game.
It’s All About the Gut!
Eighty percent of the immune system is in the gut. Immunity, health and happiness, is dependent on how vital and clean the gut is. A healthy gut is resistant to superbugs, viruses, stress, and environmental toxicity. A yeast-ridden gut holding twenty pounds of old feces is a breeding ground for superbugs.
Use these seven strategies to create a healthy, superbugs resistant gut.
- Clean Your Colon. Daily bowel movements and seasonal juice fasts, colonics, and enemas.
- Decongest Your Lymph. The lymph system controls inflammation and dumps toxins into the colon. Dry skin brush daily.
- Eat Organic Fruits & Vegetables. Try wild or organically farmed poultry, meat, and fish.
- Take a Good Quality Probiotic Daily. These will reinforce the good bacteria in your gut.
- Use Food Enzymes With Every Meal. Combat parasites and bacteria.
- Drink Fresh Green Juices As Often As Possible. These are the best anti-oxidants you can find.
- Manage Your Stress. Implement regular play, meditation, biofeedback, and relaxation.
Thank you to my colleague, Sandra Sparr, for inspiring this blog. Although we have been colon therapists for over thirty years, the need for education and awareness in our field has never been more important.
Join Our Happy Gut Makeover, June 12-17! Cleanse your body. Lose unwanted pounds. Get in shape before summer! This is the perfect time of year to boost your energy, in the company of wonderful, supportive new friends!

Books Available in Audio
I continue recovering from surgery. I am using natural pain relief and immune support! I will share always what I learn with you! I am super excited to tell you that BOTH my books are now available in audio form. Find them on my website for download, and will soon be available on ITunes and Amazon Audible. Enjoy! After a successful run of the audio version of my first book, Dare to Detoxify! my clients convinced me to record my new book, It Takes Guts To Be Happy! They love listening as well as reading. I hope you do, too!
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