My secrets to radiant skin originate from Mae West—my hero and iconic silent screen star. Interestingly, although she portrayed herself as a wild woman with a cigarette and drink in hand, she never consumed either. On the contrary, Ms. West prioritized her well-being with healthy food, daily exercise, and meditation. Plus, for beauty sleep, she faithfully declared at least eight hours a night in bed—although, she jokingly adds, not always sleeping.
Botox and peels did not exist in Mae West’s day. She credits her flawless skin to the following three practices.
Mae West’s Skin Hacks
1. Gut Health & Colon Cleansing. Mae West emphasized how an impacted colon ages the body, both internally and externally—especially the skin. Her number one beauty routine comprised of regular enemas and colonics. Health experts now know the liver cannot release toxins until the colon is flushed first. Therefore, plan to combine colon cleansing with a liver detox for optimal skin health.
2. Hydration. Ms. West did not drink coffee because she believed coffee is overly acidic and dehydrating. Instead, she drank eight glasses of water daily and consumed green vegetable juices as well as herbal teas without sugar.
3. Clean, Fresh Food. Ms. West chose her food wisely, and fixed a plate of chicken or fish with salad before attending a dinner party, then arrived fashionably late. She avoided processed foods, heavy spices, salt (except sea salt), and condiments. Furthermore, Ms. West was a “closet health nut” until she wrote her autobiography, Sex, Health, and ESP, wherein she shared her energy, beauty, and mental clarity tips.
Ms. West implored women to enjoy sensual pleasure and learn to receive. Ms. West’s protocols are further discussed in my tools and materials which cover my revolutionary beauty concept.
Forty years ago, in New York City, I met the woman who administered colonics to Mae West. She shared Ms. West’s health stories, which inspired my path of detoxification and cleansing. Although doctors did not expect me to live past age 17, I am ecstatic to celebrate my 67th birthday 50 years later.
My desire to offer safe, simple products for clients led me to create my own line of supplements. because I feel better than I ever have at 67, I will continue to share my knowledge so you too, can look and feel beautiful.
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