The Natural Pain Relief Blog I Hope You Never Need
I hope you never need the natural pain relief tools you are about to discover. I did not know how desperately I would need them until this month! Since personal experience is usually how I acquire and test information, I can tell you that this May was a gold mine. Tripping and falling unceremoniously over my vacuum cleaner resulted in a torn ligament in my left ankle and three broken bones in my right ankle. And, as the orthopedist told me in the Emergency Room, “That right ankle will need surgery — pins, plates, the whole thing.”
Going through surgery has been one of my greatest fears. With my sensitivities, I was afraid that a drug interaction would be the end of me, or at least a re-play of one of my childhood scenarios — doctors rallying around, trying to revive me from my latest allergic reaction. I have had serious reactions to pain killers in the past, and now I manage dental work with natural pain relief. (I also have a great dentist, Dr. Jeffrey Rhode.)
My wonderful doctor, Dr. Julia T. Hunter, communicated clearly to the anesthesiologist and surgeon. Together, they came up with an anesthesia plan that she felt would be safe for me, which included general anesthesia and a nerve block. The good news is I survived surgery! My ankle will be healthy and sound in about six weeks. Though I was not prescribed post-surgery antibiotics, a big dose of antibiotics was included in my IV during surgery.
Normally I handle pain well, but this post-surgical pain kicked my butt! I was miserable. Pain killers worked, but exacted a huge price. After a few days of using them, I was shaky, anxious, achy and depressed. One day I could not stop crying. Luckily, thanks to the advice of experts in the field of pain control and natural pain relief, I learned some tricks that I will to pass on to you. The following remedies are making a big difference in my comfort, sanity and attitude. Even though my ankle has a long way to go, I feel like myself again.
Natural Pain Relief Does Exist
I am taking quite a few supplements now for immune support, and will share those with you next week. These are the ones I am using for natural pain relief:
- CBD: Medical cannabis is nothing short of a miracle when it comes to pain relief. Many of my clients who have used medical cannabis for everything from arthritis pain to insomnia to immune issues, but I had never tried it myself. CBD is the part of the cannabis without psychotropic effects. For pain, one needs to generally use a product that has some THC added to the CBD to really make a difference. The product I use is a concentrate in a syringe, and I put one drop under my tongue three times daily. If you are over 18 and have a legitimate medical reason to use CBD, it is not hard to get a license and find a dispensary that will deliver to you. I will be writing more about this in the future!
- Circumen: Tumeric is known for being anti-inflammatory, as well as being a strong immune support and pain reliever. I have been taking 3-4 Curcumen-Evail from Designs for Health, and noticed the difference in my pain level within hours.
- Bromelain: I have also been taking one bromelain capsule 3-4 times a day in water on an empty stomach. This enzyme dissolves inflammation and therefore, leads to pain relief. I have a very sensitive stomach, but this doesn’t cause any upset.
Healing the Gut
Healing the gut is part of any good natural pain relief plan. Probiotics post-surgery are a must, and I have been taking them twice a day. I also began with enemas within two days of surgery. I had a table built that is the same height as my toilet, to avoid the need to get up and down to do the enema. This was life-saving!
On the Sunday following my Friday afternoon surgery, I woke up shaking, with the worst headache and all-over nerve pain. My body was rebelling from the drugs. I did my first enema and instantly felt better. I used coffee to cleanse my liver and wheat grass to nurture my traumatized nervous system. Then I made sure to take lots of salt, electrolytes and minerals to replenish what had been washed away. I also began to drink 4-6 ounces of aloe vera juice daily, as well as CALM magnesium, to loosen my bowels. Constipation is one of the unfortunate effects of medication, especially pain killers and anesthesia.

Books Available in Audio!
As I continue my journey of recovering from surgery using natural pain relief and immune support, I will share what I learn with you! I am super excited to tell you that BOTH my books are now available on my website in audio form, and will soon be available on ITunes and Amazon Audible. Enjoy! After a successful run of the audio version of my first book, Dare to Detoxify! I was convinced by my clients to record my new book, It Takes Guts To Be Happy! They love listening as well as reading. I hope you do, too!
Thank goodness for Julia…consciousness matters. We need more Julias in the world…a voice of reason, awareness & compassion based on furthering the human cause.
Thank you J.