A “food desert,” is when it is difficult or impossible to find fresh organic food in your hometown. Although fresh food coming from a laptop may seem far-fetched, here are some ways that make it easy.
How Can Your Gut Benefit from Protein Shakes?
Do Protein Shakes Cause Bloating?
Have you considered adding protein shakes to your diet? Many people have reported feeling bloated, gassy, or uncomfortable after drinking protein shakes.
The 5 Most Unhealthy “Food Products”
Are You Eating Real Food, Health Food, or Just Food Products?
One would assume food products you buy from a so-called “health food store” are healthy, but this is not necessarily so.
Negative Diagnosis—Most Dangerous Pill of All
Diagnosis Unknown: “I’m not sure, but Could this be the Bubonic Plague?” My daughter, Hana, came down with a severe sore throat this week. Her lymph glands were swollen and her head hurt. Since her brother, Luke, experienced the same symptoms recently which brought a strep throat diagnosis, we headed off the to local med […]
How to Heal Bladder or Yeast Infections Naturally
Six Natural Ways to Heal Bladder or Yeast Infections! Yeast infections and bladder infections. No one wants to talk about them. Once they become infected with one, it becomes a primary topic of conversation. Anyone who has experienced these, know they are painful, inconvenient, and distracting. Left untreated, bladder infections can lead to kidney infections. Yeast infections […]
Post-Surgery Natural Pain Relief that Works!
The Natural Pain Relief Blog I Hope You Never Need I hope you never need the natural pain relief tools you are about to discover. I did not know how desperately I would need them until this month! Since personal experience is usually how I acquire and test information, I can tell you that this […]
The Legacy of Dr. Henry Han
Dr. Henry Han–A Bridge Between Two Worlds For nearly three years, I had the pleasure of working with Dr. Henry Han in his clinic in Santa Barbara. With his training in both eastern and western medicine, open mind and innovative spirit, his treatments were unlike any others. He truly believed healing was always possible. His knowledge of […]
When Do You Call The Doctor?
Calling the Doctor–Helpful or Harmful? By Julia Loggins Seems like a simple question, right? Our parents or grandparents might answer, “When I feel crummy for two days in a row.” However, we know that a quick fix can lead to unnecessary antibiotic prescriptions, steroids, and pain killers that don’t touch the source of the original problem. […]
My Health & Wellness Team!
My Health & Wellness Team Promotes Well-Being Holistic Medicine at its Finest Last week I proudly introduced the team members that make my practice complete—Allen and Anita Mills of the Center for Lymphatic Health, Dr. Henry Han, Dr. Michael Galitzer and Dr. Julia T. Hunter. I am honored to present four more professionals, all of whom […]
Meet My Health and Wellness Team!
From Lymphatic Health to Wrinkle-Free Skin By Julia Loggins Healing and facilitating the healing process is a team sport. Yes, I have studied with phenomenal teachers who were beyond eccentric, didn’t play well with others and were channeling their own unique genius. I owe them a lot. However, my golden Rolodex of go-to professionals includes […]
It’s Cancer … It’s Lupus … No … It’s A Mold Allergy!
“You have cancer.” “You have lupus.” “We suspect it’s emphysema. There is no cure for that. You’ll have to learn to adjust your expectations.” Frightening declarations to hear, right? Every one of them were uttered to my client, Katarina, in the last three years. Saddled with a lung condition that sent her to the Emergency […]