Loving Yourself with Health
By Julia Loggins
Welcome to the First Day of the Rest of Your Life!! It’s almost Valentine’s Day and we’ve got to start by loving ourselves and spoiling ourselves first. Then, we’ll have the juice and the fire for our lovers, our mates, our kids and our friends. For the next 21 days, I’m going to share a tip every day for cleansing and detoxification, purifying and lightening up…..bring on spring. We will be ready.
Dump the extra “winter” weight, the brain fog, the 5 to 20 pounds that you may have packed in your colon…let’s liberate our digestion and our lymph system, and let go of the toxicity and grunge that squashes our mood and our ability to love and live with passion and pleasure. Feel like you’ve tried every “diet” out there and nothing works? The tips I’ll share have turbo-charged me and my clients with energy and have sped up our metabolism so that the weight will truly come off. Sluggish metabolisms can be revived. Your lymph system may be as slow as molasses, and if that’s the case, no amount of exercise will pry that fat off your thighs. I’ll teach the secrets of dry skin brushing, castor oil packs, chlorophyll-rich juices, coconut butter, and yes…the joy of dark, organic chocolate. After all, what’s life without our sweet treats.
Here you’ll learn the very simple tools and techniques that have been so successful for myself and my clients…plus new ones that I’ve picked up writing “DARE TO DETOXIFY”. which is available now. I have met some wonderful doctors and teachers who’ve shared with me their secrets, and it’s been so exciting to see my clients just flourish with these new ideas. Best yet, everything you’ll read here will be made for busy moms and dads, busy kids, busy professionals and all those who’s feet barely touch the ground. (And maybe a few tips on how to relax, too, For instance, if you take just three minutes in the morning to meditate before the day takes off, you will feel so much better. It will change your day! Just three minutes. You can do a sitting posture, you don’t have to cross your legs or say any particular mantra. When your mind wanders, come back to the breath. Long, slow breaths…Thank you for this one, Marlene Roberts).
Breathing…a perfect place to start. If we’re not breathing, we’re not really “in our bodies.” Tomorrow, we’ll learn about one of the best ways to alkalize our bodies and clean out toxicity before we even have breakfast…it’s simple, fast and delicious. Meet me here!