Is Belly Fat Ruining Your Summer?
Do you wince at the thought of imagining yourself in a swimsuit this summer? Is your body swollen in spots you wish were slim and trim? If so, these spots may be storing excess visceral fat. What is visceral fat? Visceral fat is a type of fat which hides behind muscles. For example, visceral belly fat hides behind abdominal muscles. Potentially dangerous visceral fat may also surround the stomach, liver, intestines, and other vital organs.
Strategies for Eliminating Visceral Fat
Subcutaneous fat is the common type of fat that accumulates underneath the skin—even athletes carry some subcutaneous fat. To the contrary, visceral fat is created when toxins are embedded within fat cells.
The following list of strategies may help eliminate visceral fat.
- Eat a nutrient-dense diet
- Use meditation, rest, and relaxation to reduce stress
- Keep moving—exercise daily doing something you love
- Implement internal body cleansing such as fasting or coffee enemas
- Practice lymphatic drainage with dry brushing, rebounding, or jump roping
Age and weight have little impact on reducing visceral belly fat—anyone can get a flat belly. Follow the practices outlined below to see how quickly your body changes. In addition, you can expect to feel supercharged energy, joy, and mental clarity.
Below are key steps to reduce visceral fat and obtain a flatter belly.
1. Uplevel Your Gut Health
Supplement each meal with Enzyme Energy. Research has shown that 90% of adults over the age of 40 produce decreased hydrochloric acid in their stomachs. Food cannot completely assimilate without enough hydrochloric acid. Therefore, food weighs on the stomach like a rock. Over time, this undigested food can ferment—which can ultimately cause bloat, brain fog, weight gain, and fatigue. Furthermore, when undigested food enters the small intestine, the immune system attacks the undigested food as a foreign body. This situation may lead to conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), colitis, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), and food allergies.
Enzyme Energy offers the right amount of hydrochloric acid to assimilate food as well as support healthy digestion and energy. As a digestive expert of 40 years, I believe digestive enzymes are the number one tool to achieve a flat belly.
2. Detoxify Your Colon with Coffee Enemas
Since the colon can store up to 40 pounds of waste, many people suffer from distended bellies. Imagine that if visceral fat is a goblin that thrives on toxins, their cafeteria is located in an impacted colon. Processed food, stress, and environmental toxins contribute to the body’s inability to release waste. This impacted waste can create inflammation throughout the entire body.
Are your joints swollen; ankles puffy; and back achy? Moving waste from the colon can directly improve these conditions. Colon cleansing positively affects the lymphatic system.
Cleansing the lymph is key for visceral fat reduction. The lymphatic system, which runs from head to toe underneath the skin, is necessary to eliminate inflammation. I call the lymphatic system the river of life since it comprises 75% of the liquid in the body. However, when toxins congest the lymph, the flow is more like glue than water. Colon cleansing can help this river flow freely again.
Coffee enemas are a safe and efficient way to clean your colon. Follow the detailed instructions in the How to Orchestrate a Home Coffee Enema PDF and The Coffee Enema—Home Training Video. You will be amazed how quickly your belly flattens after a coffee enema. If you visit Santa Barbara, California, I invite you for a professional colon hydrotherapy session at my clinic.
3. Happy Gut Cleanse for Regular Elimination
Regular bowel movements are critical to flatten a belly and eliminate waste buildup in the colon. I advise against laxatives—laxatives contain harsh ingredients such as senna and cascara sagrada. These herbs are inflammatory and can create more bloat. Instead, try my Happy Gut Cleanse—an effective, daily anti-inflammatory formula. Happy Gut Cleanse is non-habit forming and does not cause diarrhea or gas. For people with gut challenges, this is their number-one colon cleanse.
4. Consume Protein to Combat Visceral Belly Fat
While carbohydrates, refined sugars, and processed food products cause bloat and inflammation, protein nourishes the nervous system and brain. Furthermore, protein balances blood sugar and helps prevent diabetes and hypoglycemia. According to the Diabetes Research Institute, an estimated 28.5% of Americans are diagnosed with diabetes. I recommend people consume 120 grams of digestible protein daily to prevent diabetes.
A small piece of salmon or a turkey, beef, or bison patty contains roughly 30 grams of protein. Three eggs generally include 24 grams of protein. In addition, a cup of bone broth is estimated to offer 20 grams of protein. You may also enjoy a delicious protein shake, such as my All Day Energy (15 grams of protein) or Protein Power (26 grams of protein).
You do not need three solid protein meals a day to meet this protein recommendation. For instance, I consume two solid protein meals daily—one cup of bone broth, and two protein shakes. I also always include Enzyme Energy with my meals to ensure the protein digests well, without bloat.
Protein also busts cravings. When you crave sugar or junk food, drink a protein shake or consume some sliced meat or a hard-boiled egg. Cravings will disappear quickly.
5. Implement Proper Food Combining
Proper food combining embraces the scientific theory that foods digest better when properly ordered. For instance, although most traditional menus are comprised of proteins and carbohydrates, they do not digest well together. A habit of miscombined meals can cause weight gain.
I kept slim for 30 years by maintaining proper food combining using the food combing chart. I do not subscribe to the unhealthy starvation method of counting calories and dieting. Digestive enzymes, colon cleansing, and food combining encourage weight loss without skipping meals. To learn more about my system take my Happy Gut Makeover Course.
6. Monitor Stress Levels to Minimize Cortisol
Stress increases cortisol which stimulates visceral belly fat. Therefore, it is important to monitor your stress levels. Perhaps you add a brisk walk to your lunch break to lower your heart rate. Or consider an evening stroll to shake off the day. Epsom salt baths are wonderful for encouraging a peaceful slumber.
7. Exercise Regularly for a Flatter Belly
As little as 15 minutes of daily exercise aids the elimination of visceral fat. Learn another wonderful belly-flattener technique in the Happy Gut Makeover Course—Fasting Lite. Fasting Lite is a simple and safe way to enjoy liquid nourishment for one to three days. The digestive system can rest while boosting energy and lifting mood. I practice this protocol one day a week.
To facilitate your journey to a flat belly, I also recommend you explore the Flat Belly Pack and Happy Gut Trio. With a $15 sale, these package deals make perfect self-love gifts.
For my personal support to help restore your health and flatten your belly, call my clinic and schedule a consultation. I wish you a happy and healthy summer!
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