How to Overcome Infertility & Miscarriage Naturally
Two of five Americans between 25 and 40 experience the inability to get pregnant or carry a child to term. However, infertility numbers, though sobering, do not measure the pain of those who long to hold a child in their arms. I know, because I was one of them. I survived four miscarriages before experiencing the miraculous birth of my first child, Luke.
With a focus on building natural fertility, I complied the following five fertility blocks to optimize your chances of a successful pregnancy.
1. The Connection Between Toxins & Fertility

Toxicity. You are likely exposed to some 2500 chemicals per day! The world you know is starkly different from the world your grandparents knew. Today, the air, water, soil, and even household products are infiltrated by toxins. Yet, the human body is not designed to properly purge these chemicals, and consequently, body systems suffer. In fact, the first bodily organs impacted by toxins, are most likely found in the reproductive system.
2. Modern Life, Stress & Fertility

Stress. Although you may enjoy more lifestyle choices than your parents did, the hefty payment for this modern life is stress. Stressors could include “good stress,” such as the opportunity for a woman to build a carer while being a wife and mother. However, human nervous systems have not adapted to these complex balancing acts. Therefore, modern life taxes women’s ability to become pregnant and carry a child to term.
3. Trauma & Emotional Instability Damage Fertility

Trauma. Trauma also plays a role in infertility. “Trauma” does not necessarily imply that a violet episode was experienced. Trauma is also described as an accumulation of stress, toxins, childhood difficulties, personal loss, or any other unresolved emotional pain.
4. Age is Not a Barrier to Pregnancy

Age. Many women delay pregnancy until their late 30’s to 40’s. Although it has been said “age is just a number,” biology does not agree. To overcome biology at an older age, success in pregnancy requires focus on the factors which magnify the chances of carrying a baby to term.
5. Gut Health Equals Reproductive Health

Digestion. Digestive issues wreak havoc with the body’s ability to assimilate proteins, vitamins, minerals, and fats—the nutrients for both mother and baby. Gut problems also increase inflammation, pain, and stress. Furthermore, digestion affects energy, hormones, and mood.

Holistic Fertility Support
The five points above do not include conditions such as low sperm count and hormone imbalance, both of which may be caused by a combination of all of the above. The wonderful news is, my holistic fertility program helps to solve these issues. I am so excited to offer this program to help you experience the joy of childbirth.
Niravi Payne
Niravi Payne is an internationally recognized fertility pioneer and creator of the Whole Person Fertility Program. Miraculously, after my fourth miscarriage, I met and studied with Niravi.
Three months after we began working together, I became pregnant with my son, Luke, now 27! Through this method, I altered the physiological and emotional patterns that prevented me from carrying a child. Four years later, after bringing my daughter, Hana, into the world, Nirvai invited me to become her protege. As a result, my decade-long apprenticeship led my certification as Whole Person Fertility Practitioner.

I am familiar with the desire to become a parent more than anything in the world, so I am excited to help support your journey to parenthood! I am now offering fertility support sessions. Schedule a call with me to see if this work might be a good fit for you. Becoming a parent is one of the greatest blessings possible. Do not let your dreams go!

Julia Loggins,
Author & Digestive Health Consultant,
Santa Barbara, California
Julia’s Books at Cleansing for Energy

I am super-excited that both of my books are available to you in audio form. Find them on my website for download, or iTunes, and Amazon Audible. Therefore, after a successful run of the audio version of Dare to Detoxify! my clients convinced me to record my new book, It Takes Guts To Be Happy! They love listening as well as reading. And, I hope you do, too! Finally, check for all my new products in my new shop called Cleansing for Energy!
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