How Do You Pronounce Ashwagandha?

Fresh Ashwagandha in Nature.
Ash-wa-gand-ha. Ashwagandha. Are you put off by ancient Indian herbs with long names? Do you imagine they are solely the elixirs belonging to the yogis and tantric masters?
If so, you are not alone. My main intention here is to de-mystify these herbs with long names because they can add priceless value to your quality of life. However, modern pharmaceuticals, and even natural formulas with multiple ingredients, often overwhelm the exhausted liver. “Adaptogens,” like Ashwagandha, heal whatever the body or mind needs. Therefore, if we need energy, they boost us. If we’re toxic, they cleanse us. Even if our nerves are shot, they can soothe us. Adaptogens are the brilliant healers of the plant kingdom. Therefore, in my estimation, this herb is king.
Ashwagandha, We Will Never Forget You!
In placebo-based, controlled research, Ashwaganda is proven to reduce stress for people who consume it regularly. Perhaps, this is because the plant is so rich in nutraceuticals–protein, iron, calcium, carotene and Vitamin C. Notably, this herb offers the capacity to destroy free radicals that cause disease. Also, this wonderful herb decreases a chemical called cortisol, which accelerates aging and cognitive impairment. It is common for those who experience sustained stress and trauma to have cortisol levels that go through the roof. This is not good for physical and emotional health. And, who doesn’t want some help with their memory?
No Flu Reported with Plant Based Medicine
My clients report a feeling of strength and steadiness when they use this herb. One young mother of two school-aged children–who each brought home the flu; credited her own wellness to a daily cup of this herbal tea. See our recipe below! Just one-half teaspoon a day is a smart way to start. Sun Potion, a local Santa-Barbara based company, offers organic, non-GMO Ashwagandha packaged alone–which is an optimal way to discover how your body feels when trying a new herb.
Ashwagandha Tea
One teaspoon Ashwagandha powder;
1 teaspoon turmeric powder;
1 cup almond, rice or coconut milk.
First, boil the milk; and add the herbs. Then, lower heat and boil a few more minutes. Drink warm! Finally, you may add cocoa, almond butter, vanilla–and stevia to sweeten.
Thank you to all the fine participants of our Winter Cleanse! I am excited to begin our Spring Cleanse in April, and to combine adaptogenic herbs with organic juices, clean proteins, and yummy recipes for fast and easy prep. All in all, my commitment is to make the process of cleansing fun and easy for everyone. I hope you will join us!
I’m excited to offer Ashwaganda and all the incredible Sun Potion products right here on my website!

Books Available in Audio
I am super excited that BOTH my books are available in audio form. Find them on my website for download, and or ITunes and Amazon Audible. However, after a successful run of the audio version of Dare to Detoxify! my clients convinced me to record my new book, It Takes Guts To Be Happy! They love listening as well as reading. And, I hope you do, too!
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