What Makes a Happy Thanksgiving?
How can you create a happy Thanksgiving? No one wants to feel crummy on Thanksgiving. But it happens all too often. Between the stress of family dynamics, travel, and a multitude of food dishes, it is not uncommon to experience fatigue and flatulence by the time pie is served. What is the way out of this delicious disaster? Here are my secrets to a truly happy Thanksgiving.
— Lower Your Expectations
The movies playing in our heads ruin us–the hoped-for external conditions that we deem make up a happy Thanksgiving event. Whether about the success of the meal, the behavior of our children (friends, parents, partners, dogs) or the amount of “likes” our pictures garner on Facebook, we set ourselves up for disappointment and failure. More likely than not, very little will go as planned…and maybe that is actually good news!
— Begin the Day With Gratitude
Starting the day by listing ten things for which we are grateful, transforms attitude and stops the negative mind chatter that saps joy. It is easy to imagine that ultra-fit blond at the gym, whose hair is always perfect, having a better day than us, until we count our own blessings.
— Reach Out & Touch Someone
To experience a feel-good day, call one or more people who may be alone or have suffered a recent setback. Tell them you are thinking about them. Send love letters. Smile broadly at everyone you see. Buy flowers.
— Take Your Food Enzymes
If there was ever a day made for food enzymes, it is Thanksgiving! Make yours a happy Thanksgiving by nourishing your belly with enzymes and probiotics.
— Eat Two Perfectly Combined Meals
How would like to enjoy all the foods served on Turkey Day and still gloat over your flat, non-gassy tummy? Here’s the trick. Eat two perfectly combined meals instead of one gigantic feast. The trick is not to combine your carbs and your proteins. For example, start off with salad, mashed potatoes, yams and stuffing (as long as there is no meat in it). Then, pause for thirty minutes or more. No one will even notice! Go back for the turkey, pea casserole, and green beans. Drink water sparingly; it impedes digestion.
Join us for a post-Thanksgiving Cleanse on Nov. 30-Dec. 6! This Cleanse is the perfect antidote for too much holiday goodness, and a wonderful way to face forward towards the most healthy and happy New Year of your life.
I am grateful for the opportunity to share myself with all of you. Thank you for your willingness to learn, to grow, and to heal. It takes extraordinary courage to be healthy and happy in this crazy world. As we heal ourselves, we remind everyone around us that it can be done. Blessings to all.
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