Eliminate the After-Lunch-Nap Feeling
By Julia Loggins
Are you ready for a nap an hour after you eat? Are you bloated, gassy and slightly woozy after a big meal? If you’re a woman, has anyone asked you when the baby is due and you’re not pregnant. All these things used to happen to me and so many of my clients, due to our poor digestion. There is a solution. I am so excited to tell you all about digestive enzymes. Digestive enzymes are the enzymes that we make in our mouths, our stomachs and our intestines, and when we don’t make enough of them, we feel awful after we eat. But even worse than that, not having enough digestive enzymes causes our food to enter our intestines and our blood streams undigested, which leads to heartburn, allergies, asthma, headaches, migraines, an overgrowth of a yeast called Candida, and blood sugar imbalances. We get brain fog and just want to lie down; we wish we had not eaten at all. I see more clients for complaints about their digestion than anything else. Read some of their success stories in my new book, “DARE TO DETOXIFY”.
Digestive Enzymes Changed My Life
I discovered digestive enzymes about twenty-five years ago, and they changed my life. They may just do the same for you. They are a very simple supplement that you can buy at the health food store, and they’re taken with meals. If you eat animal protein, be sure and buy the kind that have hydrochloric acid (HCL) or betaine hydrochloride. Papaya and pineapple enzymes won’t be strong enough to digest meat or fish. Standard Process makes a terrific digestive enzyme called, “Zypan,”that you may find at your naturopath or chiropractor. Premier Research also makes an excellent digestive enzyme, and this company has well-trained consultants available to help you trouble shoot your digestive issues, and heal them. Ask the expert in the supplement dept. at your local health food store for assistance; tell them your diet and they can point out which digestive enzymes might work best for you.
Each type of food-carbohydrates, fats and proteins, takes a different enzyme to digest. And our bodies don’t make them all at the same time. Our bodies were made to digest one or two foods at a time, the way our ancestors ate: berries for breakfast, trout or wild roots for dinner. The modern-day meal is often a feast of ten or more ingredients, and this just plays havoc with our digestion. Plus, our ancestors ate their food raw, even much of their meat and fish. Cooking destroys a great percentage of enzymes. And don’t get me started on microwaves. Microwaved food is extremely indigestible; but it’s hard to avoid, especially in restaurants. That’s why I never leave home without my enzymes.