Introduction to the Blood Type Diet—1 Person’s Success Story Can Be Yours as Well
Have your heard of the blood type diet? Do you experience bloating, gas, or swelling in your gut, and confused about how to fix these chronic issues? Wondering if you will ever feel any better?
Often, dietary tweaks and smart supplementation can change gut chemistry for the best. That was the outcome of a session with my client, Lisa Zimmereli, who had been experiencing painful flares and gut issues. I hope her words of inspiration below will encourage you.
“I’m a true believer in you and all of your supplements. I eased in to the Happy Gut Cleanse and started the Enzyme Energy, and I really feel amazing. I am following the Diverticulitis Diet, and finding out how good I feel in the mornings — no aches and pains, free of grains! I am hoping someday I get to meet you in person.”
Healing the Gut with the Blood Type Diet
If you would like to heal your gut, one of my favorite guidelines for diet and supplements is the Blood Type Diet. This way of eating may yield the quick answers you need. Indeed, a few simple changes to your diet and supplements can heal even stubborn, long-term gut problems.
This way of eating became popular from Dr. Peter D’Adamo’s 1996 bestselling book Eat Right 4 Your Blood Type. Fascinated by his ideas for my blood type O, (most common type), and matched by my trial-and-error experiences, I began to try his diet. For instance, I had ceased consuming gluten years before. However, believing I needed grains, I continued to consume rye, millet, and oats. Oddly, nearly each time I ate grain my stomach bloated, and energy crashed. What was wrong with me, I wondered?
When I learned from D’Adamo’s book that the blood type O person descends from hunter-gatherers who lived thousands of years before grain farming, a light went on. So, I thought, maybe there wasn’t anything wrong with me, after all. Next, I stopped eating grains and felt so much better. Surprisingly, my stomach flattened, and the Pillsbury Doughboy swelling in my face, torso, and legs disappeared. Intuitively drawn to eating right for my blood type, for years, I had been too timid to trust my instincts.
How to Know Your Blood Type
Over the last three decades,, the blood type diet has been enormously insightful to my clients for solving gut issues. However, if you do not know your blood type, ask your doctor to check your medical records. Or, you can order the Eldon Card test on Amazon, an inexpensive home test that will help determine your blood type.
Once you know your blood type, you will be able to enjoy the rewards of knowing what foods work for your body and which do not.
What About Cravings When Changing to the Blood Type Diets?
Each blood type shows strengths and weaknesses,. Try experimenting for 3 weeks. This allows the body time to detox and adapt. Be aware that cravings are untrustworthy.
Furthermore, cravings are often fueled by bugs and bacteria. Candida, or yeast overgrowth, which occurs when body chemistry is disturbed by antibiotics, sugar or simple carbohydrates. Consequently, this can explain why your gut may scream for chocolate, cinnamon toast, or scoop of ice cream. In reality, this may be the bugs talking,
Part 1—Blood Type O—How to Beef-up Your Protein Intake to Control Cravings
Are you susceptible to constipation or low blood sugar and afternoon crashes that result in brain fog and fatigue?
Two issues are common to blood type O. First, low blood sugar may stem from the fact that those with blood type O need more protein than other blood types. In fact, 120 grams a day is the minimum needed to energize the blood type O body and stabilize the nervous system. That amount equals four servings of a high-protein food such as chicken or fish.
How Can I Consume Enough Protein?
If that seems like too much protein to consume in one day, I understand. Taking a shortcut, I consume about half of mine in my All Day Energy and Protein Power shakes, plus bone broth. These bio-available high energy drinks (caffeine-free) were designed to instantly digest as well as easily absorbed into the blood stream.
Also, to solve bloating, try my new digestive enzyme, Enzyme Energy after each protein meal. The main ingredient of Enzyme Energy, hydrochloric acid is required to metabolize protein. Do you ever feel that protein sits in your stomach like a rock? Incredibly, this supplement usually calms an uncomfortable gut.
Intermittent Fasting is a Secret Weapon for Blood Type O
If you tested as blood type O, you were made for intermittent fasting. Your ancestors frequently went long periods of time between meals, due to the uncertainty of hunting and food sources. Have you ever tried it this way of eating? The benefits include smoother digestion, increased energy, and mental clarity.
Intermittent fasting is accomplished by eating your last meal of the day no later than 6 or 7pm, with your next solid meal at noon the next day. You can add bone broth, green juices or a protein drink to your late-night work schedule, or morning routine, if you choose.
And, if you work at night, adapt the program to suit your lifestyle. Remember, the key is resting your digestion for 14-16 hours every day.
Side-Effects of Common Blood Type O Issues
To deal with constipation, The Happy Gut Cleanse is safe, natural and non-habit-forming. This can also reduce bloat and gas. Also, eating too much fiber can increase constipation, and people with blood type O tend to love salads. Notably, cooked vegetables is a better choice if you are dealing with constipation. Blood Type O, the modern world is a marathon, and you were built to sprint.
Therefore, take time to rest, renew, and meditate. In addition, if sensitive to stress, this can cause inflammation and anxiety. Also, adding detox protocols such as coffee enemas, saunas, salt baths, and dry skin brushing will reduce inflammation and renew you.
To Your Health, and Happy Holidays,
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