Diverticulitis Questions & Answers
Do you think diverticulitis might be impacting your gut? Diverticulitis is an infection of small diverticula pockets in the colon. This painful colon problem has increased by 50% since 2000 as stated by Dr. Adil E. Bharucha of the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota. Before 2010, this inflammatory gut condition was usually found in adults over 40 years. Yet, Dr. Bharucha reports that younger people are now being hospitalized for diverticulitis at an increasing rate.
One of my new clients, a diverticulitis sufferer from Florida, shared with me last night during our one-on-one consult call, “I love those weekend live calls. That’s how I found you. I don’t say much; I just listen, but the support is everything. Those are my people.”
Defining Diverticulitis Symptoms
Below are symptoms that may indicate a flareup of diverticulitis:
- Fever
- Severe bloating
- Nausea or vomiting
- Diarrhea or constipation
- Stabbing pain in either side of your abdomen
Getting Diagnosed with Diverticulitis
If you have been diagnosed, your medical doctor may not have much to offer beyond antibiotics. Perhaps you were prescribed a high-fiber diet and medication. Most distressing is that someone may have said you will suffer from this disease for the rest of your life. Many of my diverticulitis clients were discharged from the hospital after their attacks and told they could eat anything. However, implementing a clean diet is necessary to heal the gut.
As you may know, as a young person I suffered from disabling, life-threatening inflammatory gut issues—irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), colitis, bleeding ulcers, and diverticulitis. These conditions were labeled “incurable.” At age 17, when I first heard those words from my doctors, my heart sank. At that moment, all my dreams were destroyed. Since then, my clients have shown me how difficult it is to resist succumbing to hopelessness with a diagnosis like that.
Healing from Gut Issues & Diverticulitis
Once I completely healed, helping others became my passion. Inflammatory gut issues, including diverticulitis, are a dominant focus of my work. However, nothing prepared me for the agony-riddled stories from thousands of diverticulitis sufferers I met through TikTok Live. Their struggles have taught me how little information is available on how to heal inflammatory gut conditions.
If you have surgery for an infected diverticulitis pocket, the disease may reappear in another section of your colon. I noticed a pattern in my diverticulitis clients—they presented IBS-like symptoms before their first attack. If suffer from IBS or colitis, the diet suggestions you see below may help prevent the pain of an infected pocket in your colon.
- No raw food or salad for 30-60 days after a flare
- Take digestive enzymes such as Enzyme Energy with protein meals
- Try a liquid diet for 24-48 hours during or after a flare—
(of aloe vera juice, bone broth, or protein shakes) - No corn, wheat, nuts and seeds, kale, spicy, fried, or processed foods
- Cook your vegetables and juice your greens
- Practice stress reduction—deep breathing, meditation, or yoga
- Consuming protein shakes instead of solid food when stressed
- Do not take laxatives, reach for the Happy Gut Cleanse
- Enjoy infrared saunas, Epsom salt baths, and walks outside
- Trust you will heal
Do You Feel Isolated & Lonely?
The success of the incredible community gut healers have built on TikTok Lives, reminds me of the value of shared experiences. These live calls enable anyone on TikTok to ask me questions and receive answers. Participants receive non-judgmental support, ideas, and honest responses from all over the world. A group of dedicated supporters who attend weekly calls to support others and communicate that healing is possible.

New Happy Gut Tribe—Better than TikTok Live
TikTok Live has limitations. Due to political pressure or governmental regulations, TikTok could go down at any moment. Plus, not everyone is on TikTok or any social media platform. Therefore, I created a Zoom option for the Happy Gut Tribe to meet, thrive, and grow. We meet on Thursdays at 4 pm PST beginning April 25. When you register, you will receive a free digital download of Julia’s Gut Healthy Recipes. For a limited time. I am offering a complimentary 8-week session valued at $80 for $0. I look forward to seeing you there!
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