A Bloated Belly Ages People
Do you know the most effective way to look 20 years younger with is to flatten your bloated belly? The truth is, the number on the scale or the amount of sit-ups you complete has little impact on how flat your belly is.
The root cause of a bloated belly is a gut health issue. Once you heal your gut, a flat belly is part of the reward. Other valuable benefits include:
Do You Feel Like Your Bloated Belly Makes You Look Pregnant?
At 69, I have a beautiful, flat stomach and am often told I look decades younger. However, I did not always have a flat stomach. When I was 19, photos revealed chronic inflammation and swelling, from head to toe. You would have thought a basketball was hidden under my blouse—but it was just my bloated belly. Strangers would ask when I was expecting. How embarrassing is that? Maybe you can relate.
My gut was inflamed and causing me pain. I felt ugly and cried when I tried on new clothes. Now, at 69, my belly is flatter than it was 30 years ago—let alone 50 years ago. In this article, I share tools and protocols that worked for me for decades. These secrets allowed thousands of clients the freedom to confidently strut down the beach in shorts or a bathing suit. Sound impossible? I assure you it is not.
Summer is the perfect time to launch my Flat Belly Program. You will not be starving, counting calories, or spending hours in the gym. This article covers the four main things that contribute to a flat belly.
Eat Right For Your Blood Type
My clients have experienced phenomenal results with the blood type diet. This way of eating focuses on eliminating inflammation for improved gut health. Eating right for your blood type was introduced in the book Eat Right For Your Type by the best-selling author Dr. Peter D’Adamo. The idea is to nourish your blood type by avoiding foods that cause inflammation, weight gain, and bloating. If you do not know your blood type, Amazon sells the Eldon Card Blood Typing Test kits that you can use in the privacy of your home.

If your blood is Blood Type O, download the “cheat sheet” known as the Blood Type O Gut-Health Guide for how to flatten your belly. Your optimal diet requires 120-150 grams of daily protein, low-carbohydrate vegetables, bone broth, and protein shakes. People with Blood Type O are descended from hunter-gatherers who thrived on animal protein, eggs, greens, and fruit. A grain-free diet may also appeal to you, and your waistline.
People with Blood Type A descended from farmers. Therefore, if your blood is Blood Type A you will likely slim down in all the right places when you avoid wheat. This blood type thrives on seafood, chicken, turkey, and lamb. You may also enjoy goat products, especially goat yogurt and kefir.
Meanwhile, people with Blood Type B and AB, are most prone to inflammation. To speed your metabolism, implement the following:
- Avoid chicken
- Enjoy gluten-free grain in moderation
- Practice detox protocols such as bouncing on a rebounder and dry skin brushing
- You can learn step-by-step how to do these practices in the Happy Gut Makeover
Practice a Gluten-free & Dairy-free Diet
Wheat often contains cancer-causing polyphosphates. These chemicals cut microscopic holes in the lining of the gut lining—which can cause leaky gut and chronic inflammation. Choose quinoa, millet, buckwheat, rice, and amaranth, or eliminate all grains. Furthermore, even if you are not lactose-intolerant, cow dairy can swell the belly. After all, milk was intended by nature to grow a baby calf into a 2000-pound cow.
Why Take Digestive Enzymes for Efficient Digestion?
If you are over 40, you are likely not producing hydrochloric acid (HCL) in your stomach. Low stomach acid leads to bloating, belly fat, weight gain, and constipation. Inadequate stomach acid also allows parasites and bacteria such as H pylori to thrive. If observe a dog, you will notice they like unspeakable leftovers from the street with no ill effect. This is because dogs have ample stomach acid. Humans may not need quite that much, but the analogy illustrates the positive effect of HCL.
Stress drastically reduces HCL production. Enzyme Energy and digestive enzymes are essential to attain a flat belly. Take Enzyme Energy after every protein meal, and you will notice a difference in energy and gut health. This formula also helps prevent constipation.
Constipation and an impacted colon can lead to belly fat and bloating. As a colon therapist of 40 years, I have seen unbelieve amounts of sludge drain from the tubes during sessions. The Happy Gut Cleanse, my best-selling product, is a safe, natural colon cleanse that does not cause bloating, irritation, or embarrassing trips to the bathroom. Colon cleansing is easy with the Happy Gut Cleanse.
Check Your Hormones
Whether you are 30, 40, or 60, balanced hormones are critical to eliminating belly fat and protecting your heart and bones. If you do not have a trusted doctor, mine, Julia T. Hunter, offers Zoom calls.
To make your road to a flat belly easy, fast, and fun, treat yourself to the Flat Belly Pack this summer. This package includes the products and information you need to flatten your belly. Bring your questions to the TikTok Happy Gut Tribe Live on Saturdays at 4 pm and Sundays at 5 pm and the Zoom call for Happy Gut Tribe on Thursdays at 4 pm PST.
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