Orchestrate a Coffee Enema at Home
Have you ever performed a coffee enema for yourself? If you are squeamish about attempting this gut-saving protocol, you are in good company. Many others are also squeamish and that is why you are invited into my home spa—my bathroom—to show you through video how it is done. Don’t worry, this video is PG-rated. Coffee enemas can be life-saving. For instance, last week, with my dental surgery, I endured pain, anxiety, and drug side effects.
First, I was administered local anesthesia. Next, I was prescribed anti-inflammatories and Tylenol for two days to reduce pain. Between the stress of the procedure and medication side effects, I experienced the symptoms below:
- Headache
- Brain fog
- Anxiety
- Constipation
- Inflammation
The Home Coffee Enema Solution
Thinking ahead, in the morning I had prepared an enema bag with coffee and was easily able to administer home treatment for quick relief. It is so enlightening to practice what you preach. I have been teaching clients to do home colon cleansing for 40 years because the ability to practice self-care at home is fundamental.
Coffee enemas are great for helping the gut. Because people connect with thousands of chemicals daily, the liver is overloaded with toxins. This may be why most people carry 10-30 pounds of sludge in their colon. I see this waste pour through the tube in my colonic office daily. An impacted colon and congested lymphatic system cannot release toxins and therefore, are released into the bloodstream. This equals pain and suffering. However, coffee enemas can release an internal valve which can give instant relief.
Home Coffee Enemas Boost Mood
Coffee enemas boost mood and reduce anxiety. This is because serotonin—the neurotransmitter responsible for buoyancy, optimism, and joy—is produced in the gut. In his ground-breaking bestseller, The Second Brain, Dr. Micheal Gershon, M.D., describes the discovery of this phenomenon. His writing and research transformed the fields of science, health, psychology, and psychiatry. Dr. Gershon’s uncovered the critical “gut-brain connection.”
As a colon therapist of 40 years, I have witnessed thousands of colon hydrotherapy clients’ shifts of energy, mental clarity, and well-being after they receive their colonic. Their sessions cleansed and renewed their colon and liver as well as uplifted their mind and spirit.
Coffee Enemas & Chronic Pain
Speaking of the liver, coffee enemas allow the liver to flush and reduce chronic pain. Toxins may feel like malaise and fatigue or present as fibromyalgia symptoms. One client with fibromyalgia described as symptom as “glass in my veins,” which disappeared after a coffee enema. Releasing these toxins from the bloodstream invigorates the nervous system, lymph, and immunity. Coffee enemas are a safe and practical self-care tool that can clear the following symptoms:
- Bloat
- Indigestion
- Migraines
- Chronic fatigue
- Allergies
- Asthma
- Arthritis
- Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
- Colitis
- Heavy metal toxicity
- Mold toxicity
- Stress
Learning How to Orchestrate a Coffee Enema
The make the process simple, I created the How to Orchestrate a Home Coffee Enema PDF and The Coffee Enema—Home Training Video. These easy tutorials make coffee enemas possible for anyone to perform at home. I am often asked, when are coffee colonics advised? If pregnant, wait until after delivery. If you see blood in your stool, visit a doctor. You may be developing hemorrhoids and a medical practitioner will order a series of diagnostic tests to determine the cause.
If your body is experiencing difficulty with consistent bowel movements, I recommend drinking aloe vera juice. Start by drinking one ounce on an empty stomach, two times per day, and work up to eight ounces per day. A good alternative to two common laxatives—cascara sagrada and senna—aloe exhibits a laxative quality without creating inflammation. Slippery elm tea is another herbal drink I recommend to aid consistent bowel movements and constipation. Both aloe and slippery elm are featured in my Happy Gut Cleanse.
Other Methods for Helping Indigestion
One method for good digestion is to add Enzyme Energy to your health routine. Enzymes prime food for digestion and keep undigested food from sitting in your gut—a common cause of inflammatory conditions such as IBS, colitis, and diverticulitis.
Food combining is a another method for creating good digestion. A multitude of weight-loss books extoll the virtues of food combining. One client lost 55 pounds with proper food combining and the Happy Gut Cleanse. He shared his story in a TikTok Live session. By the way, I invite you also to my TIKTOK lives on Fridays and Saturdays at 4 pm and Sundays at 5 pm PST for gut health support.
Lastly, you may learn how to create gut health with The Gut Papers. These digital downloads are “Cliffs Notes of gut health” and offer bite-size pieces for easy understanding—gut health on the go.
To your health,
Julia Loggins,
Author & Digestive Health Consultant,
Santa Barbara, California
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