Protect Your Gut Because it Takes Guts to Be Social
Are you terrified that your inflamed, unpredictable gut could ruin the day? This was once my reality, too. Sometimes the thought of messy, painful, embarrassing things that could happen makes you think twice about attending these special events. Would you miss a wedding, birthday, a critical business meeting? Yet, life is meant to be lived. It takes guts to be social. Of course, its impractical to prepare meals or snacks for every possible scenario so instead I recommend a prepare & protect the gut approach.
Prepare & Protect Your Gut in Advance with Liquid Nutrition
However, you can plan ahead and “bulletproof” your gut, so that you can enjoy a symptom free experience. Below are 5 tips for gut health care before, during and after a momentous day.
Liquid Healing: Digestion uses more energy than a 5k run, so give your digestion a break and protect your gut from assault. Resting your digestion will brighten your mood and supercharge your energy. Consider 1-3 days of liquid nourishment before your next social event. This liquid diet is not a traditional fast; nor is it a starvation diet. You will consume plenty of protein, vitamins and minerals. You will lose belly bloat, and perhaps even a few unwanted pounds. A combo of bone broth, aloe vera juice. and protein drinks is my favorite trio for detox and stabilization.
You Can Easily Prepare & Protect Your Gut with Dense, Digestible Protein

Drink as much of these nutrient-dense elixirs as you choose. My All Day Energy and Protein Power are highly digestible forms of protein that taste delicious just with water. The simpler your protein drinks or shakes are, the better. If experiencing with constipation—or diarrhea, try my Happy Gut Cleanse. This is the perfect moment to let go of toxins and make room for magic.

Try Castor Oil Packs for a Powerful DIY Remedy for Protecting Your Gut
Castor Oil Packs. Don’t wait for a crisis to try a castor oil pack. Castor oil when applied externally does wonders to reduce pain, anxiety, and inflammation. Caster oil relaxes the nerves and relieves tension. If you have never applied a castor oil pack to treat pain or anxiety, you will find pre-packaged castor oil packs on Amazon from a company called “Queen of the thrones.” However, simply make your own by purchasing caster oil and applying in combination with a hot pack or a washcloth.
Minimize Stress. Identify stresses you feel about the upcoming event. That which affects your brain and nerves also affects your gut. Your awareness sheds light on them, and neutralizes any chemistry which causes stomach upsets or gut flares. The gut and brain are intrinsically connected. In fact, the neuro pathways from gut to the brain exceed those going from brain to gut. Therefore, If you envision a charged situation, process it before the event. You do not deserve anything which could sabotage your special day.
Protein Digestion. Be sure to consume ample protein the week before, day before and day of, your event. Use a digestive enzyme such as Enzyme Energy after every protein meal. Adequate protein consumption is the best antidote for sugar and carbohydrate cravings. Inquire in advance exactly what food will be served, and when. You may have the option of requesting fish over tri-tip, for instance, or a clean piece of chicken. Speak up! No one cares what you eat or drink. No one will notice for one second beyond the polite “No thank you,” that you might say to the desert chef.
Just Say “No” to Gut Wrenching Party Foods
People remember your demeanor, and whether or not you were present, smiling and happy to see them. Give yourself permission to pass on the foods that you know will upset your stomach. For starters, Avoid the cheese-laden pasta dishes, anything with sauce, and the bread. The fast track to a bloated belly on a stressful day is a pound of bread and butter.
How to Handle Alcohol Options While Considering Going Alcohol Free
If you would like to celebrate with an alcoholic beverage, choose tequila or vodka over wine. Beer is the least gut-friendly choice, as it is made from wheat and hops. Mezcal is the cleanest form of tequila and contains no sugar or additives. When I was young, it was much less acceptable or fashionable to say “no” to alcohol. Times have changed, and thankfully, non-alcoholic drinks are abundant, rather than frowned upon. And yet, many of my clients still feel concerned about social pressure to consume alcohol.
At these events we sometimes reminisce that we are back in school. Remember the pressure to drink alcohol? And yet, at that time, those I respected did not follow the crowd. They were the leaders. Now, being a leader means putting yourself and your health first. Be the leader and know that your gut will thank you.
Minimizing Stress Before Social Events to Calm Your Gut
Other relaxing, stress reduction protocols you may wish to add to your pre-event calendar are saunas, coffee enemas, salt baths, mani-pedi with a foot massage, or a facial. These need not cost a fortune. You can even do them in your own home. Creating the time and space is the key. If you are a parent or grandparent of school age children, the beginning of the school year is fraught with uncertainty. Take extra care of yourself, to model self-care to your family. Mothers are conditioned to take care of themselves last—let’s change that.
The Gut Fix is On the Way

I am close to presenting the debut of “The Gut Fix,” my step-by-step protocol for how to heal your inflamed gut. Meanwhile, I invite you to tell our support group about your “worst health advice” and how you are dealing with it, on my Saturday and Sunday Live TIKTOK sessions on Saturday at 4 pm and Sunday at 5 pm PST.
To Your Health,
Julia Loggins,
Author & Digestive Health Consultant,
Santa Barbara, California
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