No Zinc Supplements, No Mojo! You may be thinking, “When I was younger, I didn’t need zinc supplements to feel in the mood!” And you would be right. This is because youth hormones can atone for most vitamin and mineral deficiencies. But not for long. I see teenage girls who struggle with painful menstrual periods, and […]
Teen Nutrition for Nerves, Brains & Bodies
Teen Nutrition: How to Feed a Teen a Healthy Diet Are you concerned about teen nutrition? Does your teen run out the door without breakfast? Do they gulp down energy drinks for “snacks” and eat pizza for dinner? And are you exhausted from begging, pleading, and scolding them to sit down and eat some real […]
Every Gut Needs This! 74% Americans Are Iodine Deficient
Are You Iodine Deficient? Who is iodine deficient? Studies show that three-quarters of Americans are iodine deficient. Iodine is a trace mineral, by law, added to salt to protect citizens from becoming iodine deficient. That may have backfired because later, Americans were warned that too much sodium could cause heart disease. So they avoided table salt like […]