The Many Paths to Successful Fasting
Have you always been curious about how to practice successful fasting? Have you tried fasting and “failed”? Moreover, do you know that fasting can be fun and easy?
Fasting benefits are plentiful, and health experts brag that fasting can detoxify the body, recycle DNA, stimulate growth hormone, reset digestion, realign blood sugar, restore mitochondria, and reduce inflammation. Read on for my special ways to make fasting successful for you.
The Art of Successful Fasting
Before I explain my magical steps to make fasting fun and easy, I would like to share, as my fellow veteran faster and author Deborah S. Nelson says, “each fast is unique, and no two fasts are alike.” Most importantly, one of the main benefits of fasting is learning how to listen to your body. Deborah has accomplished hundreds of fasts and wants you to know that the practice of fasting is a progressive practice and each fast is unique. For successful fasting, it is most effective to listen to your body, rather than to set a rigid time or weight loss goal. The highest goal in fasting is to cleanse toxins. As your body is cleansed and metabolism reset, pounds will fall off and stay off, over time.
In light of Deborah’s experience, let’s consider the multiple many ways to fast–I am pretty sure I have tried all of them. In this blog, I will pass on my five fasting secrets. I call them “secrets” because when applied, these methods are truly golden, and few people know how to use them. Fasting does not need to be a “white knuckle” experience. I have supervised and coached thousands of fasts, and if you would like a privately supervised fast, contact me for a private health coaching session and I can guide you through your first fast.
When is the Best Time to Fast to Be Successful?
Summer is the perfect time of the year to reduce inflammation, boost your immune system, up-level your energy and mood, and lose extra pounds. If you add lymphatic drainage techniques such as dry skin brushing and bouncing on a rebounder, you may also shrink and reduce your cellulite. However, any time of year is fine, but when the weather is hot, fasting can be easier since the appetite naturally reduces.
Water Fasting is the Most Common Fast
Though Water fasting offers well-documented medical benefits, I do not recommend it for a novice faster. Drinking green juices and sugar-free lemonade is a better choice. This combo will purge toxins and give you high-quality vitamins, minerals, electrolytes, and amino acids. This delicious lemonade was my pre-colonoscopy prep day elixir, and I have been drinking it daily ever since then.
Julia’s Fresh Fasting Lemonade
1/2-1 ounce organic lemon juice, fresh or concentrate
1 tsp monk fruit
1/4 tsp sea salt
2-3 tbsp. electrolytes
Mix well, chill, and drink. The green juice option can include wheatgrass which is a gluten-free drink that is only one atom different than human blood. This juice is the king of detoxification superfoods. Combine with juiced celery, parsley, and cilantro. Use spinach sparklingly, as it is high in oxalates which causes kidney stones and rock-hard crystals in joints. And, skip the kale, also high in oxalates. Kale in any form is indigestible for anyone with inflammatory gut issues. Include amazing gut-friendly aloe vera juice in your greens instead. Most people can safely and easily fast this way for 1-3 days. However, if you have a question about a specific health condition that may prohibit fasting, ask your doctor about fasting using fresh homemade lemonade.
Things to Avoid for Successful Fasting
If you want to be successful at fasting, never drink fruit juice, or anything with sugar, such as coffee or tea. Fruit spikes blood sugar. Blood sugar spikes lead to energy and mood crashes. Plus, sugar can keep you from entering the fat-burning and autolysis mode, where all the fasting benefits are derived. Craving sweets? Enjoy a cup of peach, raspberry or hibiscus tea, sweetened with zero glycemic monk fruit sweetener.
Boost the Cleansing Mode for Successful Fasting
Why do most fasts fail? They fail because of unpleasant detoxification symptoms. One of my top secrets to fatigue-and-headache-free fasting is to utilize cleansing protocols such as colon cleansing, saunas, salt baths, and castor oil packs. Try long walks in fresh air. Sometimes we take simple things such as fresh air for granted.
Detoxification symptoms that curtail most people’s ‘failed’ fasts can be solved with regular coffee enemas. If you have not tried a coffee enema, I offer both a video and a PDF to walk you through the process. Hungry? You won’t be after a coffee enema. Once you begin to practice this detoxification technique, you’ll be hooked. Coffee enemas are a health-and-beauty basic that you will love. Also, incorporate The Happy Gut Cleanse into your fast as colon and liver cleanse support.
Bone Broth Makes Fasting so Easy You Will Think You Are Cheating
Bone broth makes fasting easy. A mug of protein-rich, nutritious warm, and soothing broth can be enjoyed every few hours on a fasting day, and you will not miss solid food. Whether you choose to add bone broth to your menu of juices and lemonade or use only bone broth, you will be satiated by this delicious gut-healer. I frequently use bone broth days to rest my digestion – especially during times of high stress. The B vitamins in bone broth are the nervous system’s best friend. Bone broth also balances blood sugar and stabilizes cortisol.
Protein Smoothies Help Break Through Fasting Challenges & Create Fasting Bliss
I loved my 7, 10, and 30-day protein drink detoxes. Afterwards, I felt like a new person! Try fasting with protein drinks. Mix drinking water or fresh coconut juice with protein powder. Have you tried All Day Energy and Protein Power? Protein Power is $10 off until Aug 31, 2024. These delicious sugar, gluten, and dairy-free powders are quick and easy—simply blend with water for a creamy, lump-free drink.
Cleansing with protein shakes and bone broth allow you to enjoy the bliss of fasting—including weight loss, buoyant moods, and an energy reset. Yes, using beverages is not technically fasting. However, after 50 years of fasting, this method I call fasting lite—is just as productive as radical forms of cleansing and elimination. And, fasting with these digestible liquids reveals the high energy levels the body demands in order to absorb, metabolize, and eliminate solid food. Therefore, taking solid food digestion offline is a powerful fasting tool the body uses to direct its healing energy elsewhere.
Clear the Parasite and Bacteria Imbalance
You may incorporate Bugs Be Gone or Yeast Be Gone during your fast to eliminate unwanted guests in your gut. Wiping out bugs, bacteria, and parasites also reduces bloat and fatigue. Fasting helps clear parasites and bacteria as well when you don’t feed them their favorite junk foods while cleansing, but these supplements speed cleansing success.
I have supervised thousands of fasts, and I would be happy to guide your fast as well. Once you sign up for a session on my private coaching page, I will contact you via email to schedule our session.
The Gut Fix is On the Way

I am close to presenting the debut of “The Gut Fix,” my step-by-step protocol for how to heal your inflamed gut. I will let you know more soon. Meanwhile, I wish you a successful fasting practice, and all the rewards it can bring–especially the fasting bliss.
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