Where Can You Find Fresh Food Resources in Your Neighborhood?
Are there any fresh food resources in your area? Health food stores? Farmers markets? But, do you live in a food desert? A “food desert,” is when it is difficult or impossible to find fresh organic food in your hometown. Although fresh food coming from a laptop may seem far-fetched, here are some ways that make it easy.
Are You Located in a “Food Desert” Far from Fresh Food Resources
Many people live in a food desert. “Food deserts” are not only a problem in big, urban cities — they are everywhere. How would you like to remedy this frustrating situation by shopping with your fingertips? Save time—as well as save money on gas!
This blog on edible resources was inspired by a client who said “When I read the recipes you share, and about the markets where you shop, well — we don’t have anything like that in my town. How will I ever heal? How will I get my family healthy if I can’t find good food?”
She went on to say, “We could drive a few hours to a big city with a Whole Foods Store and organic farmer’s markets, but that is complicated with kids in sports every weekend. Any ideas?”
This blog is for sharing resources that you can procure online. And, even if you live in a town rich with resources, you may find new and delightful edible treasures in this small but powerful guide.
Try Local Online Shopping
I am pleased to share these resources, farms, ranches, stores, and online shopping markets in hopes that you be able to find the ingredients to make amazing meals. And, I invite you to kindly share your online resources with me. Just go to chat on CleansingforEnergy.com and let me know. From there, I will create a “Food Guide #2” and share it with The Happy Gut Tribe and my TikTok Live meetings.
To save on shipping, team up with like-minded friends or family. For instance, when I buy bison from my favorite ranch, northstartbison.com, I create the order with two clients. One of them introduced me to this ranch, and I am hooked! North Star Bison blends organ meats into the bison, and it is delicious as well as nutritious.
The links below will deliver everything from fresh frozen salmon to organic buckwheat flour and the best organic olive oil. However, one of the most exciting treasures may be the discovery of your local community-supported agriculture, “CSA boxes.” These boxes of seasonal, fresh, organic produce can be dropped off weekly right at your doorstep. My son worked for the Santa Barbara CSA delivering boxes while he was in college. My reward for his service was the most delectable fresh fruits and veggies — sweet, juicy organic tomatoes in the summer, and ripe, rich Kabocha squash in the winter. Every season held a new surprise!
The Fresh Food Resource List
Sustainably ranched bison; I buy the organ meat blends. They are delicious, and bison is leaner and sweeter with more protein content than beef! Also, it is easier to digest.
This company makes gut-friendly condiments without onion or garlic. If you have IBS or any inflammatory gut condition, check out their bottled sauces.
Bubblegoods describes themselves as “Like Etsy for Healthy Foods.” They carry products from a variety of small companies that you might not find anywhere else.
Thrive is one of the largest online groceries. They give discounts for quantity orders.
Believe it or not, Target carries organic groceries.
Costco is a national grocery chain that offers low-cost organic fresh and non-perishable food. Will ship!
Will send you sustainably caught fresh-frozen fish.
This company will send sustainable caught tinned fish—try recipes on Instagram & Tiktok @thetinyfishco
All types of sustainably caught tinned fish
Aldi is a large grocery store that ships healthy, clean, organic food.
Community Supported Agriculture–Your community likely has community supported agriculture programs that will deliver Seasonal, organic produce to you weekly. Find your neighborhood on this site.
Sends you farm fresh produce.
Making Tasty Recipes Using Fresh Food Resources
For a special food or condiment you would like to find, send me a message on CHAT at Cleansingforenergy.com and I will research it.
I hope you are enjoying my gut-friendly recipes on TikTok and Instagram–All are responses to requests from followers. Send me yours. So far, I have featured:
- Slow-Baked Turkey Thigh with Roasted Vegetable Sauce
- Tomato-Free Ketchup (this ketchup is also onion and garlic-free — important if you experience symptoms of inflammatory gut condition)
- Gluten-Free Bread—super moist; takes 5 minutes to make and 30 minutes to bake
- Gluten-Free High Protein Banana Muffins—Fabulous for breakfast, lunch or snacks
- Baked Pears and Apples with Almond Butter Drizzle—-perfect for a sensitive belly and a sweet tooth
- Thousand Island Dressing—vinegar, tomato, dairy and soy free
Find the recipes above on Tiktok at @julialoggins2 and Instagram, @julialoggins as well as Julia’s Famous Gut Friendly Recipes on my shop on sale for $9.
I invite you to join us on our Happy Gut Tribe Live’s on TIKTOK on Saturdays at 5 and Sundays at 4. Follow me on my backup TikTok account: @julialoggins2_
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