We are Continuously Exposed to Wrong Health Advice Here, There & Everywhere
Have you been listening to the wrong health advice? Nothing seems to be working? In the realm of self-healing and self-care, well-meaning bad health advice seems to be a sneaky foe lurking everywhere. When my health journey began with 39 doctors, and continued through a self-healing process, a relentless storm of bad health advice surrounded me. Many professionals and well-meaning friends and family warned me about certain protocols, which surprisingly turned out to be life-saving practices.
Wrong Health Advice Can a Be Stepping Stone to Blessings
Fifty years ago, when I was saving my life, “gut health” was an unknown and neglected area. At that time, traditional medicine had little to offer for treating the gut. Searching outside the box to overcome what was termed an “incurable” inflammatory gut condition had become my priority. Very quickly, I found that most people I knew expressed an opinion of my new path. Of course, I felt some uncertainty myself—but I had already concluded my best choice was to take charge of my own health.
I hope you choose that path, as well—that decision to take charge of your own health. No matter how trustworthy or esteemed your medical team, no one can actually heal you. Each of our bodies and bodily dysfunctions are unique! Your job is to learn all you can and practice diligently what works for you—regardless if others do not understand your approach, or simply think you are crazy.
Detect Wrong Health Advice & Take Charge of Your Own Health
Fast forward to today—I now faithfully use the very gut health practices which many shunned and ridiculed. Today, I laugh at the ridiculousness, but in addition, I feel sad for the detractors, because I abhor the idea that anyone could be dissuaded from trusting their body’s ability to heal.
In being current with latest research, social media, and health trends, I continue to observe the prevalence of misinformation and bad health advice in all venues.
Regardless, I like to imagine that no one in our culture be shunned for taking control of their own body while trying new, or ancient treatments. Yet, sadly, I hear the same fears, the same warnings, bad advice, and fears coming from my client’s communities as I experienced so long ago.
Busting Misinformation, Health Myths & Wrong Health Advice
When authority makes an inaccurate claim or instills fear, we naturally find it difficult to process—to believe or not to believe—to trust or not to trust—what to eat or not to eat! Many health-seekers naturally react by debunking all medical authority. In contrast, I am not in favor of ingesting every trendy new supplement or superfood you see on the internet. Discernment is the silver lining that we must develop in the quest for health and well-being.
Specific misinformation has been shared and repeated over the years so often, that common Health Myths have been formed. These myths take on a life of their own and after being passed around repeatedly, seem to be true. However, my own healing and others’ healing have proven many of these myths to be false. Busting these common myths took courage, but ultimately laid the groundwork for the renewal of my gut. That was my silver lining which the following 3 myths provided to me.
3 Myths Perpetuated by Bad Health Advice & Proven Wrong by Actual Healing
Myth Number 1—Avoid Animal Protein
“Animal protein is an obstacle to detoxification.” Bad advise. This plant-based ideal in fashion in the 80’s is still trending today. While loving animals, and in my 20’s—plus with detoxification my priority—I thought to myself, “Why not go plant-based?” After all, I received my Health Practitioner’s Certificate at the all-raw vegan Hippocrates Health Institute (then in Boston, now in Palm Beach, Florida). Their curriculum is based on the premise that plants provide all the nutrients needed.
However, I subsequently learned first-hand that with inflammatory gut and autoimmune conditions, a lack of digestible protein can be a long-term disaster. Short-term, living on wheatgrass juice, parsley/celery, and cilantro juice with a small amount of sprouts did rejuvenate me. Of course, a plant-based diet that typically eliminates wheat, sugar, dairy, and processed foods launched a tremendous cleansing process. Yet, over time, this diet was not sustainable and my blood sugar crashed. My hormones became so imbalanced that I even stopped menstruating. I became bloated, achy, and as puffy as the Pillsbury Doughboy. Anyone with an inflamed gut, I learned, cannot effectively assimilate or eliminate plant-based foods such as whole nuts, seeds, or beans. Due to the plant-based diet, I was literally starving for highly digestible protein and had to try something else—the solution was protein and digestive enzymes.
Gut Health Myth Number 2—Colonics are Harmful
“Colonics and coffee enemas can eliminate good bacteria.” Have you heard this common myth about colon cleaning? Bad health advice. Many of my clients reported this fear initially prevented them from trying this self-care routine. Do not worry about colon cleansing clearing good bacteria from your gut. Otherwise, anyone who has ever caught a bad flu, with the accompanying diarrhea, would develop an unhealthy gut microbiome. Plus, you can easily add good bacteria with a probiotic or fermented food after a colon cleansing. Even pickle juice packs loads of probiotics.
A Leap of Faith Lead Me to a Deeper Healing Process
One day, I took a leap of faith and tried a piece of sustainably caught fish. Suddenly, I felt energized and strong. A local functional medicine doctor introduced me to digestive enzymes with HCL, and my digestive system was able to digest the fish. The bloating, swelling, and puffiness disappeared. I discovered that animal protein is not the problem. The fact that most people do not produce adequate HCL in their stomach is the reason that protein can seem to cause digestive distress. And yet, too much HCL can cause distress, too. Decades ago, I dreamed of creating a formula for people with sensitive bellies, like myself and my clients. Years later, Enzyme Energy was born.
The only thing that colon cleansing depletes is electrolytes as if you went on a long run or took a sauna. Therefore, as a colon cleansing specialist of 40 years, If you like, add a 1/4 teaspoon of mineralized Celtic or Himalayan salt, to water or vegetable juice after a colonic to replenish electrolytes.
Throughout my gut health practice, I have not seen a client with inflammatory gut issues unaccompanied by an impacted colon. Plus, those clients with loose bowels are happily surprised to see a large amount of waste released during sessions. “I can’t believe that was inside me,” is a common remark. Truth is, most people carry 10-30 pounds of colonic waste.
Colon cleansing is one of the most effective and safest ways to remove toxins. When beginning this process, you are effectively writing a love letter to your liver. The liver—the body’s main detoxification organ—cannot release metals, chemicals, and hardened minerals once the colon is impacted. A liver flush without colon cleansing is like shoveling snow in a blizzard.
If you have not yet tried a home colon cleanse, known as a coffee enema, I offer step-by-step instructions in my How to Orchestrate a Coffee Enema PDF (just $7 to feel like a million). For more comprehensive training, try my video. Prepare the colon with Happy Gut Cleanse capsules, which gently cleanse your bowels.
Gut Health Myth Number 3—You Don’t Have Parasites
“You don’t need a parasite cleanse, because you don’t have parasites.” This was advised after a negative reading for parasites from multiple stool tests. Most labs do not specialize in parasite testing. Therefore, they test for a small range of bugs and bacteria—and most often parasites are not detected and the test shows a false negative. Indeed, as I later discovered, I was infested with parasites, proven by symptoms (bloat, fatigue, rashes) plus an accurate test I later received.
In fact, a 2023 PubMed study of 147 ulcerative colitis patients revealed that 107 were hosting parasites. This information mirrors what I have witnessed in my practice—that the majority of clients with inflammatory gut or autoimmune issues are hosting a bug or bacteria of some kind—or multiple bugs. When I used berberine and grapefruit seed extract, my symptoms disappeared. Accordingly, years later, when creating my signature supplement line, I wanted easy parasite cleanses for my clients. Therefore, I confidently included those very ingredients in my Bugs Be Gone formula.
Further Testing & Proof of Parasites
For certainty, ask your doctor to order the GI MAP from Diagnostic Solutions. You will learn if you have parasites, plus whether your gut shows food sensitivities and a healthy gut microbiome. However, this test is not inexpensive. And, with international food sources stocking the produce sections, parasites travel internationally on fresh food. No longer is being a world traveler a prerequisite for picking up parasites. Parasites are common and may live in the gym, schoolyard, local pond, restaurants or public bathrooms. In fact, twice yearly, I perform a parasite cleanse with Bugs Be Gone to evict any unwelcome guests residing in my gut. You might consider doing the same. I believe this is a smart gut health practice.
The Gut Fix is On the Way

I am close to presenting the debut of “The Gut Fix,” my step-by-step protocol for how to heal your inflamed gut. Meanwhile, I invite you to tell our support group about your “worst health advice” and how you are dealing with it, on my Saturday and Sunday Live TIKTOK sessions on Saturday at 4 pm and Sunday at 5 pm PST.
To Your Health,
Julia Loggins,
Author & Digestive Health Consultant,
Santa Barbara, California
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