Eliminate the After-Lunch-Nap Feeling By Julia Loggins Are you ready for a nap an hour after you eat? Are you bloated, gassy and slightly woozy after a big meal? If you’re a woman, has anyone asked you when the baby is due and you’re not pregnant. All these things used to happen to me and so many of […]
Colon Cleansing: Clean Your Colon a Secret to Weight Loss
Did You Know Colon Cleansing Was an Ancient Practice? By Julia Loggins Colon cleansing has been around for thousands of years … it was written about in the Bible. The Essenes practiced it. Hippocrates, the father of Western Medicine, taught it to his patients. So, why isn’t it a recognized part of our modern standard […]
Eat Organic Food
Eat Organic, Locally Grown with No Poison in Our Food By Julia Loggins Eating organic is one of the best investments in our health, because poisons, pesticides, and sprays on non-organic foods are not easily eliminated from our bodies. We do not poop them out or pee them out, and our bodies do not recognize them […]
Give Yourself a “Tummy Lift”
Try Digestive Enzymes By Julia Loggins Want to instantly feel more energetic? Want to feel good after a meal, instead of tolerating that gassy, groggy, bloated feeling? What if you didn’t need to change what you eat? Add digestive enzymes to meals; and feel that burning, churning heartburn disappear. Picture a video game with an […]
Dump the Dirty Fats
The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly Fats By Julia Loggins Today is the first day of the rest of our life … and there is every reason in the world to make it daring and delicious. Tip number one was GO GREEN! Tip number 2 was, Dump Sugar. All my clients who have had incredible […]
No More Sugar
The Key to Non-Stop Energy By Julia Loggins My first tip for non-stop energy is GOING GREEN! Check out my blog from Valentine’s Day and see why going green is one of the best things you can do for yourself. My second tip is…throw out the sugar. Americans are eating 110 pounds more sugar a […]
Give Yourself Some Green Lovin’
Loving Takes Energy By Julia Loggins Loving takes energy, even the love we give to ourselves. And a great way to love ourselves is to go green! Drink one ounce of wheatgrass a day; sip chlorophyll-rich green juices that you can make or buy at the health food store; toss a teaspoon of freeze-dried greens in water or […]
The First Day of the Rest of Your Life
Loving Yourself with Health By Julia Loggins Welcome to the First Day of the Rest of Your Life!! It’s almost Valentine’s Day and we’ve got to start by loving ourselves and spoiling ourselves first. Then, we’ll have the juice and the fire for our lovers, our mates, our kids and our friends. For the next […]
Wheatgrass for Unstoppable Energy!
An Ounce of Wheatgrass a Day Keeps the Doctor Away By Julia Loggins Do you crave unstoppable energy? Want to speed up a sluggish metabolism and do something THAT WORKS to dump that extra weight, the brain fog and the bloated tummy. One ounce of wheatgrass a day keeps the “slow, draggy afternoons” away. When […]
Need a Great Dentist? Got One!
Your Teeth Need TLC too By Julia Loggins Detoxification isn’t just about cleaning our colons and chugging green juices….it’s about taking the best care of ourselves we can, in every way. Including our teeth! Those precious chompers that we take for granted in our 20′s, need extra TLC in our 40′s and 50′s and beyond, […]
Time to Come Clean and Get Clean, Paula Deen!
Celebrity Chef Hides Diabetes Condition By Julia Loggins Paula Deen, the celebrity chef, is not the only one contributing to her disease with her cooking! In a recent story on Today’s Health about Paula Deen, readers wondered if her own cooking created her own disease. The truth is, we have all done it! According to the American Diabetes […]
Liberate Your Libido
Finding Energy for the Bedroom By Julia Loggins Of course we want clear, sustained energy so that we can show up for everything we care about with strength and stamina. We know that toxicity, of all kinds, messes with that goal. It especially messes with it in the bedroom: it’s hard — or impossible — […]