Are You Iodine Deficient? Who is iodine deficient? Studies show that three-quarters of Americans are iodine deficient. Iodine is a trace mineral, by law, added to salt to protect citizens from becoming iodine deficient. That may have backfired because later, Americans were warned that too much sodium could cause heart disease. So they avoided table salt like […]
Rescue Your Gut this Holiday Season with Probiotics!
Every Body Needs Probiotics! Right up front, I am not endorsing Probiotic America or the product that Dr. Cary Nelson sells on his video. He did not pay me to write this blog. I have never used Probiotic America probiotics, so I cannot speak to their quality. Yet I am wildly endorsing the info in this […]
Fermented Foods for Gut Health
The Fermentation Festival Comes To Town The Fermentation Festival is held this Saturday in Santa Barbara. Be sure to attend and enjoy! As a kid, I craved sauerkraut and dill pickles. Why? Little did I know these mouth-puckering treats were paving my gut with healthy flora and bacteria. And, did I ever need it! My easily infected asthmatic […]
When Do You Call The Doctor?
Calling the Doctor–Helpful or Harmful? By Julia Loggins Seems like a simple question, right? Our parents or grandparents might answer, “When I feel crummy for two days in a row.” However, we know that a quick fix can lead to unnecessary antibiotic prescriptions, steroids, and pain killers that don’t touch the source of the original problem. […]