No Time for Chronic Inflammation Although summer is in bloom, chronic inflammation does not melt away with winter. While less dressed in the summertime, chronic inflammation can keep you from looking and feeling your best. Do you feel bloated, puffy, or swollen? Is fatigue or brain fog ruining your summer fun? Does your belly expand […]
Why is Knowing Your Blood Type Vital to Your Well-being?
The Value of Knowing Your Blood Type Knowing your blood type is invaluable—and goes beyond blood transfusion needs. Your blood type is a key genetic factor which defines your overall physique and health. Along those lines, you may have noticed that some people lose weight naturally while others are constantly fighting the battle of the […]
Time for Spring Cleaning—Try a Happy Gut Makeover
Spring Cleaning for Your Body Since spring has arrived, now is the time to start a Happy Gut Makeover. How can you achieve a pain-free belly, lose weight, and reduce inflammation? You can do all that with my new Happy Gut Makeover Course, packed with new material and bonus downloads. Do you want to experience […]
Why Coffee Enemas?
Detoxify with Coffee Enemas One of my favorite practices as a gut health expert is to teach clients about powerful home remedies. Coffee enemas are now recognized as an effective, safe, and easy protocol to detoxify the colon and liver. If you cringe at the thought of coffee enemas, I hope you will learn this […]
Chronic Joint Pain, Aches & Fatigue? Your Gut is Unhappy!
Unhappy Gut Equals Chronic Joint Pain? Are you one of the lucky people free from constipation, diarrhea, and acid reflux? Therefore, do you automatically assume your digestion is golden? However, inflammation, chronic joint pain, fibromyalgia, and brain fog can fool you. These unknown digestive symptoms typically flourish in conditions of an under-acid stomach and sluggish […]
5 Things to Avoid if Diagnosed with Diverticulitis
Diagnosed with Diverticulitis? Diverticulitis is an excruciating condition and is possibly one of the most debilitating of all digestive ailments. Even worse, most doctors believe diverticulitis is uncurable. However, if you are diagnosed with diverticulitis—or other inflammatory gut conditions such as colitis and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)—I have good news! The clients in my clinic […]
Stop Letting Them Steal Your Well-Being—Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) & Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth
IBS & SIBO Affects Millions Does irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) steal your joy on many important occasions? If so, understand you are not the only one. IBS plagues 45 million Americans living in the United States, alone. Furthermore, the International Foundation for Gastrointestinal Disorders estimates that 5-10% of the […]
Overindulging? Gut Health Solutions for 2024 by Julia Loggins
Are you likely to overindulge this holiday season? Don’t worry—you’re not alone. Americans report 47% of holiday traditions include sweets and 85% are plagued with inflammation of the gut. The good news is, you can tap into my gut health solutions for a fresh start in 2024. Everything you need to heal and flatten your […]
Change a Life with a Creative Christmas Gift
Study Shows 47% of Christmas Gifts are Sweets Are you on a holiday quest for a brilliant, unique gift idea—rather than another boring box of chocolates? Would you be inspired to buy a gift that could change the life of a loved one? While 47% of traditional Christmas gifts consist of sweets, 85% of Americans […]
Four Ways to Holiday-Proof Your Gut
Will Your Gut Ever Forgive You? Are you looking forward to the holiday season? Although Halloween’s celebration of sugary treats has come and gone, Thanksgiving, Hanukah, Christmas, and New Year’s are on the temptation horizon. Santa’s glamorous sleigh ride feeds a culture which offers tantalizing edible gifts. Therefore, if seduced into holiday reckless abandon, be […]
Hemorrhoids on the Run
Are You Tormented by Hemorrhoids? According to research, 75% of adults encounter hemorrhoid problems at some point. As a colon therapist of 40 years, I have encountered a multitude of clients with hemorrhoids—and, experienced them myself. As the subject of endless jokes, hemorrhoids are not funny—or fun. However, the question is—how to get your hemorrhoids […]
Performance Energy Drink Alternatives—For When Life Feels Like a Race
Conquer Energy Slumps with Performance Energy Are you one who feels your day is doomed without a cup of coffee, tea, or energy drink—first thing in the morning? Perhaps, a pricey caffeine brew is your quick fix for the afternoon slump. If so, do you suspect a caffeine addiction is actually undermining your energy? Do you […]