Happy Gut Pack—Well-being for the Belly Are you often plagued with digestive discomfort? Would you like to learn how to soothe your aching belly? I have created what you need to eliminate bloat, brain fog, and fatigue. In answer to my client’s call for a comprehensive gut cleansing program, the new Happy Gut Pack was […]
Frequently Asked Flat Belly Questions—Julia Has Answers!
Common Flat Belly Questions Who doesn’t want a flat belly? You may be hard-pressed to find someone who does not care to flaunt a svelt, pain-free belly. However, many have given up thinking that a flat belly is attainable—especially after 40. Have you given up on your dream body? Since the beginning of summer, the […]
Dreaming of a Flat Belly Summer?
What does a flat belly mean to you? For some, a flat belly means feeling fabulous in clothes or bathing suits. Others desire to eliminate bloat, gas, and pain. Yet, most feel a flat belly helps them feel younger and more attractive. The good news is anyone can have a flat belly—regardless of age, weight, […]
5 Steps to a Flat Belly Now!
Why Does My Belly Seem Enlarged? Flat tummies are not directly related to weight, age, or doing massive sit-ups. In fact, if you crave a flat belly, you must first address your gut health. Poor gut health can cause unsightly belly swelling. Ironically, some cultures actually define a round belly as a symbol of wealth. […]
Fight for Your Health & Wellness Freedom
Sadly, I missed my childhood while hospitalized with life-threatening illnesses. However, the effort to take health into my own hands taught me the significance of gut health. Consequently, my life mission is to help others access tools to reclaim and maintain their gut health. The source of energy, stamina, creativity, and ingenuity is a happy, […]
Electrolytes—The Summer Nutrient You Can’t Live Without
This is a true story about the importance of electrolytes. A few years ago I landed in the Emergency Room with what doctors thought was heat stroke. Strangely, I hadn’t been exposed to heat. Yet, I was exhausted, my hands clammy, pulse racing, and could not sleep. The day prior was a perfect 75-degrees and […]
Congestion in Intestines? Try Colon Cleansing
The internet is teeming with misinformation about colon cleansing and coffee enemas. No wonder people are scared and confused. Who do you believe? Regardless, colon cleansing saved my life. I spent much of my first two decades hospitalized with life-threatening illnesses. As a result, I was injected with and swallowed hundreds of drugs. As the […]
What Do Librarians & Gut Health Have in Common?
Thank You, Librarians Do you know that librarians: National Library Week Held Each April In April, National Library Week celebrates librarians for their foundational role in the culture. Librarians often work silently behind the scenes, without recognition. Yet, how often are they publicly acclaimed? For example, when has a librarian been featured on the front […]
Give Yourself Some Love—A Home Coffee Enema
Instant Gratification or Instant Detoxification? Do you know that home coffee enemas are one of the top methods for achieving instant detoxification? Do you realize that the detoxification of your body can minimize food and drink addictions? Have you ever considered a coffee enema, but do not know where or how to start? Are cravings, […]
Want a Flat Stomach? How I Did it at Age 67
Not bragging, just sharing—but in this blog, I am happy to detail how I achieved a flat stomach at age 67. On my most recent birthday, I proudly posted pictures of myself at age 67. Beating my doctor’s prognosis of death at 17 is something I wanted to share with the world. The positive response […]
3 Celebrity Skin Hacks to Boost Ageless Beauty
My secrets to radiant skin originate from Mae West—my hero and iconic silent screen star. Interestingly, although she portrayed herself as a wild woman with a cigarette and drink in hand, she never consumed either. On the contrary, Ms. West prioritized her well-being with healthy food, daily exercise, and meditation. Plus, for beauty sleep, she […]
How Do You Know if You Need Detoxification
Detoxification is a growing trend—but do you really need to detox? How would you know? My body’s inability to purge toxins landed me in the hospital for most of my youth. To save my life, I needed to understand purification, regeneration, and my body. I say “forced” because most humans do only what is necessary […]