Your New Year’s Resolutions Can Include Colonics! Who does not want to look and feel beautiful for the holidays? We dream of sliding into our jeans and slipping on pretty dresses and feeling confident. We want to enjoy a few treats here and there, but not gain ten pounds gorging on chips and dip. But […]
How to Heal Bladder or Yeast Infections Naturally
Six Natural Ways to Heal Bladder or Yeast Infections! Yeast infections and bladder infections. No one wants to talk about them. Once they become infected with one, it becomes a primary topic of conversation. Anyone who has experienced these, know they are painful, inconvenient, and distracting. Left untreated, bladder infections can lead to kidney infections. Yeast infections […]
Mojo Minerals for Motivating Summer Love
No Zinc Supplements, No Mojo! You may be thinking, “When I was younger, I didn’t need zinc supplements to feel in the mood!” And you would be right. This is because youth hormones can atone for most vitamin and mineral deficiencies. But not for long. I see teenage girls who struggle with painful menstrual periods, and […]
Food Combining for Gut Health & Weight Loss
With Good Food Combining–No More Antacid Tablets! It is true. You can loose weight by using proper food combining! Do you burp, belch and lament your bloated belly? Are you frustrated over that ten pounds that will not come off? Are you exhausted an hour after you eat? Food combining may be your magic bullet. […]
Teen Nutrition for Nerves, Brains & Bodies
Teen Nutrition: How to Feed a Teen a Healthy Diet Are you concerned about teen nutrition? Does your teen run out the door without breakfast? Do they gulp down energy drinks for “snacks” and eat pizza for dinner? And are you exhausted from begging, pleading, and scolding them to sit down and eat some real […]
Every Gut Needs This! 74% Americans Are Iodine Deficient
Are You Iodine Deficient? Who is iodine deficient? Studies show that three-quarters of Americans are iodine deficient. Iodine is a trace mineral, by law, added to salt to protect citizens from becoming iodine deficient. That may have backfired because later, Americans were warned that too much sodium could cause heart disease. So they avoided table salt like […]
Alkalize & Energize with Freeze-Dried Greens
Alkalize, Energize and Renew Anywhere and Anytime with Greens-to-Go If you are reading this blog, you most likely nurture an intention to eat and drink as many deep green vegetables as possible. You know they alkalize your body, protect your bones, build your blood and sooth your gut. Believe it or not, a glass of rich […]
The Best Guilt-Free Dessert–Gluten-Free Sweet Potato Pie
It is finally that time of year for baking and for sweet potato pie! In Santa Barbara, where this summer scorched us through October, evenings are thankfully, cooling off. My daughter, the ultimate salad-lover, is making hot chai tea and sweet potato pie. With cooler weather, she craves the culinary delights of autumn, and the […]
Vegan, Vegetarian, Paleo? The Perfect Diet for You!
The “Perfect” Diet By Julia Loggins We are bombarded these days with headlines about “the perfect diet.” Some say the perfect diet is raw food or vegan; others tout the joys of being vegetarian. And, there is a whole new wave of advocates for a high-fat, high-protein, low-carbohydrate, zero-processed-food diet known as Paleo. What is […]
Pack Your Snacks
Rev up Your Metabolism to Lose Weight By Julia Loggins The best way to lose weight, speed up your metabolism and maintain steady, clean energy—and that steady blood sugar level—is to pack snacks, so you’re not tempted to eat junk food or reach for caffeine. The No-Calorie Diet that I recommend to all my clients […]
Instant Energy in a Cup
High Protein Smoothies By Julia Loggins Want to feel as if you just drank one of those new energy drinks, except without all the crap, the caffeine and the sugar that makes them so toxic? Those drinks are popular because we’re all craving to feel super-charged and mentally clear all day. So many of us […]
Eat Organic Food
Eat Organic, Locally Grown with No Poison in Our Food By Julia Loggins Eating organic is one of the best investments in our health, because poisons, pesticides, and sprays on non-organic foods are not easily eliminated from our bodies. We do not poop them out or pee them out, and our bodies do not recognize them […]