What Makes a Happy Thanksgiving? How can you create a happy Thanksgiving? No one wants to feel crummy on Thanksgiving. But it happens all too often. Between the stress of family dynamics, travel, and a multitude of food dishes, it is not uncommon to experience fatigue and flatulence by the time pie is served. What […]
Friendship and Health Go Hand in Hand
What Does Love Got to Do with it? Surprize–Friendship and Health Go Hand in Hand! I have shared a dozen keys to health and vitality–juice fasting, food combining, and digestive enzymes, to name a few. But do you know what one main factor sustains enduring well being in both physical and mental health … especially during […]
Healthy Choices, Healthy Living, Part 2
Healthy Choices Equals Healthy Living Last week I introduced four tips for making healthy choices for healthy living–snacking on protein, getting enough sleep, staying hydrated, and making a Lifeline List. Utilizing even one of these tools will rescue you in times of stress, but doing them all is like a “get-out-of-jail-free” card! Of course, I am […]
Healthy Choices: I Know What To Do, I Just Can’t Do It!
Healthy Choices Made Easy By Julia Loggins If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. “How can I start to make healthy choices and how can I stop sabotaging myself?” is a question I hear every day. I will leave the question of why we undermine ourselves to the therapists to answer. Each of us has experienced some trauma, […]
What is Now the Number One Cause of Death? Iatrogenia.
Iatrogenia is #1 Cause of Death By Julia Loggins The World Health Organization, has named iatrogenia as the number one cause of death. Iatrogenia is an illness stemming from medical treatment, or from the complications of medical treatment. This means that the cure could be more harmful than the disease. Houston, we’ve got a problem! Prevention of Iatrogenia. […]
Give Yourself Some Green Lovin’
Loving Takes Energy By Julia Loggins Loving takes energy, even the love we give to ourselves. And a great way to love ourselves is to go green! Drink one ounce of wheatgrass a day; sip chlorophyll-rich green juices that you can make or buy at the health food store; toss a teaspoon of freeze-dried greens in water or […]
The First Day of the Rest of Your Life
Loving Yourself with Health By Julia Loggins Welcome to the First Day of the Rest of Your Life!! It’s almost Valentine’s Day and we’ve got to start by loving ourselves and spoiling ourselves first. Then, we’ll have the juice and the fire for our lovers, our mates, our kids and our friends. For the next […]
Need a Great Dentist? Got One!
Your Teeth Need TLC too By Julia Loggins Detoxification isn’t just about cleaning our colons and chugging green juices….it’s about taking the best care of ourselves we can, in every way. Including our teeth! Those precious chompers that we take for granted in our 20′s, need extra TLC in our 40′s and 50′s and beyond, […]
Liberate Your Libido
Finding Energy for the Bedroom By Julia Loggins Of course we want clear, sustained energy so that we can show up for everything we care about with strength and stamina. We know that toxicity, of all kinds, messes with that goal. It especially messes with it in the bedroom: it’s hard — or impossible — […]