Have you searched through trending diets upon trendy diet only to come up confused? Many trending diets are thrown at us everyday–which one is right for you?
How Can Your Gut Benefit from Protein Shakes?
Do Protein Shakes Cause Bloating?
Have you considered adding protein shakes to your diet? Many people have reported feeling bloated, gassy, or uncomfortable after drinking protein shakes.
The 5 Most Unhealthy “Food Products”
Are You Eating Real Food, Health Food, or Just Food Products?
One would assume food products you buy from a so-called “health food store” are healthy, but this is not necessarily so.
Holidays too Much of a Good Thing? Try My Gifts Codes! This Year, Give Yourself the Gift of Health & Well-Being.
If “too much of a good thing” is your MO during the holidays, try my health and well-being solutions and supplements! The Happy Gut Cleanse formula sweeps the colon clean–plus it detoxifies the liver. If you are traveling, do not leave home without it. There is nothing like planes, trains, and strange bathrooms to play […]
Claim Your $498.50 Gift Plus BONUS: Your New 2020 Body
You Have Exactly 5 Days to Unwrap it. November 28, 29, 30, Dec 1 & 2 by Midnight PST. How Does Your Body Feel About Holidays? With the holidays coming, is your body “sensing” a gift of 5-10 pounds already on the way? Do you recall that sinking feeling given to you by a sleek little […]