Orchestrate a Coffee Enema at Home Have you ever performed a coffee enema for yourself? If you are squeamish about attempting this gut-saving protocol, you are in good company. Many others are also squeamish and that is why you are invited into my home spa—my bathroom—to show you through video how it is done. Don’t […]
Rev Up Your Energy & Metabolism with the Blood Type Diet
Would you like a simple eating plan which reduces bloat and belly fat, boosts metabolism, and recharges your energy? I recommend the blood type diet. In 1996, I read Dr. Peter D’Adamo’s bestseller, Eat Right 4 Your Blood Type, and his material was eye-opening for me. When I adopted a vegan diet in my 20s, […]
Skip New Year’s Resolutions & Invent a New Body & Mind
Do New Year’s Resolutions Work? Psychology Today in 2022 makes the argument that New Year’s Resolutions create ineffective goal-setting. “So we put a huge pressure on ourselves with New Year’s resolutions, and this pressure makes failure more likely. Wanting to change under such enormous pressure is a bit like wanting to fall asleep—the stronger you […]
It’s Okay for Adults to Play—How to Heal Your Inner Child
Is Your Inner Child Being Neglected? Do you regularly give yourself permission to play? With a life consumed by work, responsibilities, bills, and family matters, the subject of play may seem impractical to you. Even going to the gym has become a chore. Yet, grown-ups need to play because most people deal with unhealthy levels […]
Have You Heard of the Ozempic Weight Loss Craze?
“Everyone in Los Angeles is talking about Ozempic!” a client of mine exclaimed. Expectantly, she asked, “Is it bad? Should I try it? I’m so eager to lose weight.” I am not a doctor, but still my answer was “no.” The drug manufacturers acknowledge the side effects present as “possible thyroid tumors, including cancer.” Furthermore, […]
Is Your Gut Bugging You—Need a Parasite Cleanse?
Can Stomach Parasites Cause Bloating? Human parasites are often invisible to the eye—many are microscopic bacteria, hidden intestinal worms, or various parasites. Does your belly bloat no matter what you eat? Do you exhibit symptoms like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), such as gas, diarrhea, or constipation? Is fatigue, headaches, or skin rashes a frequent irritation? […]
Popeye Was Wrong—Beware of Oxalate Toxicity
Isn’t a Plant-Based Diet Good for You? Are you aware of the controversy over oxalate toxicity? As it turns out, too much of a good thing is true for plants also. If you primarily consume a plant-based diet, the level of oxalic acid could be dangerous to your health. The role of oxalic acid in […]
Julia Loggins’ Story of Healing Her Gut—A True Story
My health was once a “hopeless” situation. Doctors proclaimed I would not live past 17. Once I did, they said I would never have children. However, defying their predictions … I lived. And, since I first saved my own life, I have been able to help thousands save theirs. No one in my circles could have imagined […]
Be Aware of these 7 Protein Deficiency Symptoms
Protein Deficiency Symptoms of Hypoproteinemia—Low Protein? Do you know how much protein your body needs? Are you consuming adequate protein? Hypoproteinemia is the medical term for protein deficiency—a condition more common in women. Protein indirectly helps to balance blood sugar and nourishes the brain and nervous system. Consequently, protein lowers sugar cravings which is crucial to […]
Julia’s Holiday Refrigerator—Her Gut-Healthy Foods
Is Your Refrigerator Gut-Healthy? If someone stared into your refrigerator during the holidays, what would they see? Would they find mostly junk foods or whole foods? If you were to look into my refrigerator during the holidays, you would find the ingredients for my gut-healthy recipes. My gut-healthy recipes often include protein, fermented foods, sweet […]
Release Stress with Deep Breathing Practices
Doing Deep Breathing Practices Right Have you heard of deep breathing practices? Many people take breathing for granted—do you? Most people do not give their breathing style a second thought. What is Your Breathing Style? Do you take fast and shallow breaths? Are you a deep belly breather or a shallow lung breather? Deep breathing […]
Confronting Dangerous Fats—Eliminating Visceral Belly Fat
Is Belly Fat Ruining Your Summer? Do you wince at the thought of imagining yourself in a swimsuit this summer? Is your body swollen in spots you wish were slim and trim? If so, these spots may be storing excess visceral fat. What is visceral fat? Visceral fat is a type of fat which hides […]