“Help, I have a stomach ache!” This may be a common plea for you. Naturally, stomach aches are never fun nor convenient. 5 Tips to Treat Stomach Aches Explore a few suggestions I gathered to ease stomach pain: Chamomile, peppermint, or ginger tea are terrific anti-inflammatories that can ease discomfort in the digestive tract. Fresh […]
Masks are Not the Solution—Build Gut Health!
Mask safety is a myth. The data shows that wearing masks minimally protects against mutating viruses and bacteria. Even so, I follow mandatory restrictions, wear a mask in public, and avoid crowds. Yet, to attain true health, one must build immune resilience through relentless attention to the gut. Immunity Starts in the Gut In researching […]
Summer Fun with Julia’s Healthy Zucchini
What to Do with Too Much Zucchini Right now, many of us are looking for ways to enjoy the extra time at home. Creating fun and flavor from the garden to the kitchen with children and teens is a wonderful opportunity to make memories. One of the easiest vegetables to grow is zucchini, and right […]
How to Ditch Stress & Reclaim Peace No Matter What
Does Change Always Need to be Stressful? Are you resisting change and struggling to feel grateful in the current disorderly world? Our world has never been more out of control. Is your sense of well-being wearing thin from stress? Many are struggling to keep their spirits high while taking care of their bodies and each […]
Dick Gregory: Health is a Revolutionary Act
In 1980, Dick Gregory’s Harvard speech changed my life. Gregory was a brilliant comedian, civil rights advocate, and organic food pioneer. “Being healthy is a revolutionary act,” he said. “Changing the world begins with healing your body, and freeing yourself from any substance that alters your mind: sugar, drugs, alcohol, junk food! You cannot be […]
CHOICES—Self-Quarantine or Self-Immunity
Self-Distancing for Self-Transformation Whether quarantined alone, with friends, or family, you may feel isolated. However, self-distancing can be a positive thing. Most of us look forward to experiencing the world again after coronavirus. Yet, you may wonder, how can I build strong immunity as my community relaxes its guidelines? As we distance ourselves from the […]
Karate for Virus Control: Strong Immune System
What a wild ride this is with the Coronavirus! With the many twists and turns, and ups and downs you may feel out of control. How can we control the outcome? The most powerful situation we can control is the vitality of the immune system. First, practice deep breathing, and create a connection with Source […]
Colonics Can Turn Back the Sands of Time!
The Era of Cleansing & Detoxification With Colonics I will be 65 this March! So, what is my anti-aging secret? In a word … colonics! But I did not begin using colon hydrotherapy to look and feel young. I started the practice of cleansing my colon to save my life. Colonics work! However, colon hydrotherapy […]
Holidays too Much of a Good Thing? Try My Gifts Codes! This Year, Give Yourself the Gift of Health & Well-Being.
If “too much of a good thing” is your MO during the holidays, try my health and well-being solutions and supplements! The Happy Gut Cleanse formula sweeps the colon clean–plus it detoxifies the liver. If you are traveling, do not leave home without it. There is nothing like planes, trains, and strange bathrooms to play […]
Claim Your $498.50 Gift Plus BONUS: Your New 2020 Body
You Have Exactly 5 Days to Unwrap it. November 28, 29, 30, Dec 1 & 2 by Midnight PST. How Does Your Body Feel About Holidays? With the holidays coming, is your body “sensing” a gift of 5-10 pounds already on the way? Do you recall that sinking feeling given to you by a sleek little […]
What are You Doing for Menopause?
Do you have hot flashes? Brain fog? Unexpected weight gain? Energy burnout? Muffin top? Are you confused about what—if anything—to do about supplementing with hormones? The Mastering Menopause Makeover may be just what your higher self is seeking! My new online course, with live weekly group calls, was designed for women 45+ who want to […]
ANNOUNCEMENT: New Mastering Menopause Makeover!
From Hot Flashes to a Hot New You! Are you struggling with weight gain, mood swings, and burn-out? Or, maybe you feel bloated, fatigued, or overwhelmed? How about that spare tire around the middle where your tummy used to be? I get it! If that’s where you are, I have been there too. At 49, […]