Introduction to the Blood Type Diet—1 Person’s Success Story Can Be Yours as Well Have your heard of the blood type diet? Do you experience bloating, gas, or swelling in your gut, and confused about how to fix these chronic issues? Wondering if you will ever feel any better? Often, dietary tweaks and smart supplementation […]
My 5 Top Fun Secrets for Successful Fasting for the Novice
The Many Paths to Successful Fasting Have you always been curious about how to practice successful fasting? Have you tried fasting and “failed”? Moreover, do you know that fasting can be fun and easy? Fasting benefits are plentiful, and health experts brag that fasting can detoxify the body, recycle DNA, stimulate growth hormone, reset digestion, […]
Proper Food Combining Practice Makes for Great Gut Health
If you are still counting calories and the weight loss is not permanent its time to try something else. Food Combining Practice can improve your metabolism which is key to sustainable weight loss and a flat belly.
How Can Your Gut Benefit from Protein Shakes?
Do Protein Shakes Cause Bloating?
Have you considered adding protein shakes to your diet? Many people have reported feeling bloated, gassy, or uncomfortable after drinking protein shakes.
The 5 Most Unhealthy “Food Products”
Are You Eating Real Food, Health Food, or Just Food Products?
One would assume food products you buy from a so-called “health food store” are healthy, but this is not necessarily so.
Try a Home Coffee Enema
Orchestrate a Coffee Enema at Home Have you ever performed a coffee enema for yourself? If you are squeamish about attempting this gut-saving protocol, you are in good company. Many others are also squeamish and that is why you are invited into my home spa—my bathroom—to show you through video how it is done. Don’t […]
Rev Up Your Energy & Metabolism with the Blood Type Diet
Would you like a simple eating plan which reduces bloat and belly fat, boosts metabolism, and recharges your energy? I recommend the blood type diet. In 1996, I read Dr. Peter D’Adamo’s bestseller, Eat Right 4 Your Blood Type, and his material was eye-opening for me. When I adopted a vegan diet in my 20s, […]
Cleansing for Energy Confronts Cramps-Cravings-Brain Fog
No More Gas & Bloat with Enzyme Energy!
Don’t Leave Home Without Enzyme Energy! When I pack my bag for the sandy beaches of Hawaii — or the crowded streets of New York City — the first indispensable supplement I pack is Enzyme Energy. I may forget my sandals & my lipstick, but I never leave home without this. If you want one […]
Julia Loggins’ Products for Sensitive Stomachs & People!
The Unintended Journey–Detoxifying-Cleansing-Healing At the start of my journey, some 50 years ago (wow), the words “vegan,” “gluten-free,” “dairy-free” and “sugar-free” had not yet been uttered. As many of you know, an unintended journey forced the detoxification of my body from pharmaceutical drugs which had silently accumulated during my childhood. Ultimately, the power of fresh […]
Blue & Bloated? Purify Your Body with Love & Support!
Join a Group Cleanse to Makeover a Blue Mind & Bloated Body in Six Weeks Are you struggling with feeling blue and bloated? Do you feel bloated, gassey, and frustrated? Are those inches around your middle driving you crazy? Well, we have a real solution! Back by popular demand, the Happy Gut Makeover will help […]