We are Continuously Exposed to Wrong Health Advice Here, There & Everywhere Have you been listening to the wrong health advice? Nothing seems to be working? In the realm of self-healing and self-care, well-meaning bad health advice seems to be a sneaky foe lurking everywhere. When my health journey began with 39 doctors, and continued […]
How Can Your Gut Benefit from Protein Shakes?
Do Protein Shakes Cause Bloating?
Have you considered adding protein shakes to your diet? Many people have reported feeling bloated, gassy, or uncomfortable after drinking protein shakes.
How to Ditch Stress & Reclaim Peace No Matter What
Does Change Always Need to be Stressful? Are you resisting change and struggling to feel grateful in the current disorderly world? Our world has never been more out of control. Is your sense of well-being wearing thin from stress? Many are struggling to keep their spirits high while taking care of their bodies and each […]
Holidays too Much of a Good Thing? Try My Gifts Codes! This Year, Give Yourself the Gift of Health & Well-Being.
If “too much of a good thing” is your MO during the holidays, try my health and well-being solutions and supplements! The Happy Gut Cleanse formula sweeps the colon clean–plus it detoxifies the liver. If you are traveling, do not leave home without it. There is nothing like planes, trains, and strange bathrooms to play […]
What Your Doctor May Not Tell Your About IBS and SIBO
What is the Truth About IBS and SIBO? IBS. Irritable Bowel Syndrome is an acronym for a condition familiar to many of us. Unhappily, the see-saw of constipation and diarrhea, plus painful cramps, can include chronic and even, debilitating symptoms. Although typically treated with symptom relief pills, that is not good enough for most of […]