It is finally that time of year for baking and for sweet potato pie! In Santa Barbara, where this summer scorched us through October, evenings are thankfully, cooling off. My daughter, the ultimate salad-lover, is making hot chai tea and sweet potato pie. With cooler weather, she craves the culinary delights of autumn, and the […]
It Takes Guts & Will Power to Say No! | Sensitivities Speak
People Pleaser Detox Builds Will Power People pleasers with sensitivities (you know who you are), understand that the most difficult part of healing is building the will power to just say NO! You find it a nearly impossible to turn down foods, people, and situations which you know will sacrifice your well being. At times, my cultural conditioning has nearly cost me […]
Ever Thought of Juice Fasting? Now is the Best Time!
The Ancient Art of Fasting In a recent documentary produced by the website, The Truth About Cancer, Dr. Joseph Mercola stated that one of the keys to vibrant health is intermittent fasting. Juice fasts were an integral part of what I used to heal and regenerate my body over three decades ago. At Hippocrates Health […]
The Ultimate Self-Love: Cleansing & Detoxification
Give the Gift of Self-Love Before the Holidays; and Look & Feel Like the New You on New Year’s Eve! Would you like to lose the poochy tummy, gas, and bloating before the holidays? A thoughtful gift for yourself may be a pre-holiday cleanse. Save your health and save money, too! I am announcing the Mini Happy-Gut […]
The Secret To A Flat Tummy — And It’s Not More Sit-Ups!
A Happy Tummy is a Flat Tummy Crunches, sit-ups and planks do not guarantee a pouch-free tummy, no matter how many sets we do. Yes, core work is important. Strong abdominal muscles protect backs and posture, and open up our diaphragms. But if it’s a flat tummy you want, pay attention to the gut flora. […]
Fermented Foods for Gut Health
The Fermentation Festival Comes To Town The Fermentation Festival is held this Saturday in Santa Barbara. Be sure to attend and enjoy! As a kid, I craved sauerkraut and dill pickles. Why? Little did I know these mouth-puckering treats were paving my gut with healthy flora and bacteria. And, did I ever need it! My easily infected asthmatic […]
Balance Blood Sugar & Lose Weight With Protein Smoothies!
The Blood Sugar Roller Coaster Protein smoothies entered my life 25 years ago, and changed me forever. They allowed me to stabilize my blood sugar, anytime and anywhere. When I drank my first protein smoothie and felt the shakiness and brain fog of a blood sugar crash suddenly disappear, I felt free. The blood sugar monster had […]
Key to Detox Success: A Cleansing Coach — Win a “Happy-Gut Makeover” Session at Chaucer’s Books on Sept 9!
Key to Cleansing Success- Cleansing Buddy or Cleansing Coach Have you ever skipped going to the gym? I have. And ever noticed that when you make an appointment with a personal trainer, you find a way to show up? That level of commitment leaves no room for excuses. The same is true for cleansing. My clients tell me they keep their promises […]
Healthy Choices, Healthy Living, Part 2
Healthy Choices Equals Healthy Living Last week I introduced four tips for making healthy choices for healthy living–snacking on protein, getting enough sleep, staying hydrated, and making a Lifeline List. Utilizing even one of these tools will rescue you in times of stress, but doing them all is like a “get-out-of-jail-free” card! Of course, I am […]
Healthy Choices: I Know What To Do, I Just Can’t Do It!
Healthy Choices Made Easy By Julia Loggins If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. “How can I start to make healthy choices and how can I stop sabotaging myself?” is a question I hear every day. I will leave the question of why we undermine ourselves to the therapists to answer. Each of us has experienced some trauma, […]
Dump Cellulite With Lymphatic Drainage!
From Sticky Cellulite to Smooth & Silky By Julia Loggins What is cottage-cheesy and not easy to dump with dieting alone? Cellulite! Even a sweaty gym work-out will not touch those bulges on our thighs and bum. Cellulite is not only the bane of the over-forty. Cellulite forms from a cocktail of processed food, fake fats, […]
Drainage vs. Detox: Do You Know the Difference?
Detox without Drainage Can Make You Sick! By Julia Loggins These days, detox or “detoxification” refers to just about anything labeled “cleansing” and “healing.” But what is detoxification, exactly? Detox includes many options. And, timing is everything when it comes to cleansing protocol. The protocols may include lymphatic therapy, infrared saunas, and colonics. Unnecessary Cleansing Crisis […]