Do Protein Shakes Cause Bloating?
Have you considered adding protein shakes to your diet? Many people have reported feeling bloated, gassy, or uncomfortable after drinking protein shakes.
Why Does My Belly Seem Enlarged? Flat tummies are not directly related to weight, age, or doing massive sit-ups. In fact, if you crave a flat belly, you must first address your gut health. Poor gut health can cause unsightly belly swelling. Ironically, some cultures actually define a round belly as a symbol of wealth. […]
Healthy Choices Made Easy By Julia Loggins If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. “How can I start to make healthy choices and how can I stop sabotaging myself?” is a question I hear every day. I will leave the question of why we undermine ourselves to the therapists to answer. Each of us has experienced some trauma, […]
From Sticky Cellulite to Smooth & Silky By Julia Loggins What is cottage-cheesy and not easy to dump with dieting alone? Cellulite! Even a sweaty gym work-out will not touch those bulges on our thighs and bum. Cellulite is not only the bane of the over-forty. Cellulite forms from a cocktail of processed food, fake fats, […]
Iatrogenia is #1 Cause of Death By Julia Loggins The World Health Organization, has named iatrogenia as the number one cause of death. Iatrogenia is an illness stemming from medical treatment, or from the complications of medical treatment. This means that the cure could be more harmful than the disease. Houston, we’ve got a problem! Prevention of Iatrogenia. […]
by Julia
Julia Loggins, Inc. is an educator, author, and gut health coach, not a registered dietician, medical professional, or psychologist. The opinions expressed here, and her writings, are from her experience and should not be taken as medical advice. This includes her website, products, courses, services, or advice. You hold yourself liable for any damage that may occur, including any damages that pertain to financial, other incidental, consequential, or any other special damages that may occur based on information found or work provided. No refunds will be given. Always consult with your doctor or physician before starting any new workout regime, diet, or lifestyle change.