Have you searched through trending diets upon trendy diet only to come up confused? Many trending diets are thrown at us everyday–which one is right for you?
My 5 Top Fun Secrets for Successful Fasting for the Novice
The Many Paths to Successful Fasting Have you always been curious about how to practice successful fasting? Have you tried fasting and “failed”? Moreover, do you know that fasting can be fun and easy? Fasting benefits are plentiful, and health experts brag that fasting can detoxify the body, recycle DNA, stimulate growth hormone, reset digestion, […]
Proper Food Combining Practice Makes for Great Gut Health
If you are still counting calories and the weight loss is not permanent its time to try something else. Food Combining Practice can improve your metabolism which is key to sustainable weight loss and a flat belly.
How Can Your Gut Benefit from Protein Shakes?
Do Protein Shakes Cause Bloating?
Have you considered adding protein shakes to your diet? Many people have reported feeling bloated, gassy, or uncomfortable after drinking protein shakes.
The 5 Most Unhealthy “Food Products”
Are You Eating Real Food, Health Food, or Just Food Products?
One would assume food products you buy from a so-called “health food store” are healthy, but this is not necessarily so.
Trade a Bloated Belly for a Flat Belly—Look 20 Years Younger
If you are frustrated with a bloated belly try Julia Loggins’ Flat Belly Pack which includes key supplements and gut health education
Skip New Year’s Resolutions & Invent a New Body & Mind
Do New Year’s Resolutions Work? Psychology Today in 2022 makes the argument that New Year’s Resolutions create ineffective goal-setting. “So we put a huge pressure on ourselves with New Year’s resolutions, and this pressure makes failure more likely. Wanting to change under such enormous pressure is a bit like wanting to fall asleep—the stronger you […]
Frequently Asked Flat Belly Questions—Julia Has Answers!
Common Flat Belly Questions Who doesn’t want a flat belly? You may be hard-pressed to find someone who does not care to flaunt a svelt, pain-free belly. However, many have given up thinking that a flat belly is attainable—especially after 40. Have you given up on your dream body? Since the beginning of summer, the […]
5 Steps to a Flat Belly Now!
Why Does My Belly Seem Enlarged? Flat tummies are not directly related to weight, age, or doing massive sit-ups. In fact, if you crave a flat belly, you must first address your gut health. Poor gut health can cause unsightly belly swelling. Ironically, some cultures actually define a round belly as a symbol of wealth. […]
What is BQ? Calculate Your Beauty Quotient
When I was a teen, I found that I loved quizzes. Quizzes fulfilled my insatiable need for entertainment and brain engagement. So, now decades later, as an adult, I have developed three fun quizzes for my website—How Happy is Your Gut, Is Your Gut Bug-Free, and What is Your Beauty Quotient? And, those who take […]
Secret Weapons of Gut Health & Weight Loss!
Lose Inches-Gain Energy-Protein Powder! Do you dare find the magic bullet to turbo-charge your energy, heal your gut, and help you lose the pooch? It’s protein powder! I am so excited to share this secret weapon with you! I have been scanning the horizon for “what’s next and best” in the world of health products. […]
True Stories of Losing Weight & Feeling Great!
Summer Happy-Gut Makeover for Losing Weight! What a privilege to lead a glorious group of women on their journey to vibrant health this summer! Enthusiasm and excitement reigned on our group calls. I have loved listening to success stories of losing weight, stabilizing mood swings, and increasing energy. We have discovered the joy of smoothie days and […]
Light Summer Fresh Food–Salad Dressings Rule
Fresh Food Is Best! Light, fresh food in summer is appealing when hot sticky days seem to confuse our normal appetites. But what can be fast and easy to prepare without slaving over a hot stove or oven? Fresh Homemade Salad Dressings Homemade salad dressings are to salad what cinnamon & nutmeg are to pumpkin pie–everything! Bottled […]