Have you searched through trending diets upon trendy diet only to come up confused? Many trending diets are thrown at us everyday–which one is right for you?
The Worst Wrong Health Advise I Ever Heard
We are Continuously Exposed to Wrong Health Advice Here, There & Everywhere Have you been listening to the wrong health advice? Nothing seems to be working? In the realm of self-healing and self-care, well-meaning bad health advice seems to be a sneaky foe lurking everywhere. When my health journey began with 39 doctors, and continued […]
How to Find Fresh Food Resources for Gut Health Online
A “food desert,” is when it is difficult or impossible to find fresh organic food in your hometown. Although fresh food coming from a laptop may seem far-fetched, here are some ways that make it easy.
How Can Your Gut Benefit from Protein Shakes?
Do Protein Shakes Cause Bloating?
Have you considered adding protein shakes to your diet? Many people have reported feeling bloated, gassy, or uncomfortable after drinking protein shakes.
The 5 Most Unhealthy “Food Products”
Are You Eating Real Food, Health Food, or Just Food Products?
One would assume food products you buy from a so-called “health food store” are healthy, but this is not necessarily so.
Skip New Year’s Resolutions & Invent a New Body & Mind
Do New Year’s Resolutions Work? Psychology Today in 2022 makes the argument that New Year’s Resolutions create ineffective goal-setting. “So we put a huge pressure on ourselves with New Year’s resolutions, and this pressure makes failure more likely. Wanting to change under such enormous pressure is a bit like wanting to fall asleep—the stronger you […]
5 Steps to a Flat Belly Now!
Why Does My Belly Seem Enlarged? Flat tummies are not directly related to weight, age, or doing massive sit-ups. In fact, if you crave a flat belly, you must first address your gut health. Poor gut health can cause unsightly belly swelling. Ironically, some cultures actually define a round belly as a symbol of wealth. […]
What is BQ? Calculate Your Beauty Quotient
When I was a teen, I found that I loved quizzes. Quizzes fulfilled my insatiable need for entertainment and brain engagement. So, now decades later, as an adult, I have developed three fun quizzes for my website—How Happy is Your Gut, Is Your Gut Bug-Free, and What is Your Beauty Quotient? And, those who take […]
Surviving Holiday Stress & Food Hangovers!
All I Want For Christmas Is to Feel Good–No More Holiday Food Hangovers The holidays are upon us, and they often bring unwelcome food hangovers! Who can resist the temptation of gingerbread cookies from the bake sale, or fresh donuts at the office Christmas party, or an extra glass of wine when out with friends? […]
Five Secrets of Anti-Aging
Anti-Aging & Cleansing for Energy If you are one day older today than yesterday, congratulations. You are still alive! However, the real question for those seeking anti-aging is–do you look and feel strong, healthy and beautiful as you begin to move past your 40’s? What does “anti-aging” mean to you? To me, “anti-aging” means being […]
The Stress-Busting Power of Ashwagandha
How Do You Pronounce Ashwagandha? Ash-wa-gand-ha. Ashwagandha. Are you put off by ancient Indian herbs with long names? Do you imagine they are solely the elixirs belonging to the yogis and tantric masters? If so, you are not alone. My main intention here is to de-mystify these herbs with long names because they can add […]
Kick the Sugar Blues with the Power of Green Adaptogen!
Green Adaptogen Means Green Powered Energy! What is green adaptogen? Well, let me tell you about my search for green super power. Some search for antiques, buried treasure, or gold. However, I search for herbal creations that promise to blast me with energy like a rocket. Therefore, around four in the afternoon, when my mind […]
Let’s Reinvent Comfort Foods!
Healthy Treats that Satisfy It is winter. We are all bundled up in sweaters, downing cups of tea. And, we Santa Barbarans are holding an immense amount of stress due to two recent disasters–fires and floods. Comfort foods, anyone?! What is your favorite comfort food from childhood? My grandma used to whip up a mouth-watering […]