What does a flat belly mean to you? For some, a flat belly means feeling fabulous in clothes or bathing suits. Others desire to eliminate bloat, gas, and pain. Yet, most feel a flat belly helps them feel younger and more attractive. The good news is anyone can have a flat belly—regardless of age, weight, […]
5 Steps to a Flat Belly Now!
Why Does My Belly Seem Enlarged? Flat tummies are not directly related to weight, age, or doing massive sit-ups. In fact, if you crave a flat belly, you must first address your gut health. Poor gut health can cause unsightly belly swelling. Ironically, some cultures actually define a round belly as a symbol of wealth. […]
Fight for Your Health & Wellness Freedom
Sadly, I missed my childhood while hospitalized with life-threatening illnesses. However, the effort to take health into my own hands taught me the significance of gut health. Consequently, my life mission is to help others access tools to reclaim and maintain their gut health. The source of energy, stamina, creativity, and ingenuity is a happy, […]
Congestion in Intestines? Try Colon Cleansing
The internet is teeming with misinformation about colon cleansing and coffee enemas. No wonder people are scared and confused. Who do you believe? Regardless, colon cleansing saved my life. I spent much of my first two decades hospitalized with life-threatening illnesses. As a result, I was injected with and swallowed hundreds of drugs. As the […]
Summer Fun with Julia’s Healthy Zucchini
What to Do with Too Much Zucchini Right now, many of us are looking for ways to enjoy the extra time at home. Creating fun and flavor from the garden to the kitchen with children and teens is a wonderful opportunity to make memories. One of the easiest vegetables to grow is zucchini, and right […]
True Stories of Losing Weight & Feeling Great!
Summer Happy-Gut Makeover for Losing Weight! What a privilege to lead a glorious group of women on their journey to vibrant health this summer! Enthusiasm and excitement reigned on our group calls. I have loved listening to success stories of losing weight, stabilizing mood swings, and increasing energy. We have discovered the joy of smoothie days and […]
Colon Cleansers for Stubborn & Clogged Body Systems
A Movement a Day–Keeps the Doctor Away! This week’s blog provides detailed information about colon cleansers. Mood, energy, and mental clarity is ruled by the gut. And nothing puts a damper on vibrancy like constipation … or diarrhea. If you suffer from IBS, you experience both. My clients who struggle with acheiving two bowel movements a […]
Having too Much Fun with Body Cleansing–Join us!
Busting the Myth: Body Cleansing and Detoxification is NOT Difficult Isn’t body cleansing supposed to be rigorous, uncomfortable, isolating, and maybe even painful? Well, if it is, the participants in the Mini Happy-Gut Makeover Cleanse last week did not get that memo. We are having fun! Here are some comments: Jacqueline: “Within three days, I […]
1,2,3,Body Cleansing: Lighten up for the New Year!
Body Cleansing: Launch into the New Year with a Happy-Gut Makeover! Have you ever made New Year’s resolutions only to break them by the first week’s end? Some of us have stopped making them altogether. The stench of failure is depressing and demoralizing. One reason that we do not sustain change easily is that the human brain is conditioned […]
Julia’s 8 Favorite Natural Cold Remedies (Flu Remedies, too)
8 Top Natural Cold Remedies for Winter Sniffles & Bugs I hope you do not desperately need this post this week — in between Christmas and New Year! However, many of my friends and clients call and ask, “What can I take when I feel a cold or flu coming on? How about something that […]
Holiday Gift Ideas for Health & Happiness
Health and Wellness with a Ribbon & a Bow! Wondering what to give your health-nut friend for Christmas? What might be a great gift for your dad with a nagging back ache who loves gadgets? Check out my top ten health and wellness gift ideas! These health and wellness gifts make staying healthy easy. Who doesn’t appreciate a shortcut in their […]
The Best Guilt-Free Dessert–Gluten-Free Sweet Potato Pie
It is finally that time of year for baking and for sweet potato pie! In Santa Barbara, where this summer scorched us through October, evenings are thankfully, cooling off. My daughter, the ultimate salad-lover, is making hot chai tea and sweet potato pie. With cooler weather, she craves the culinary delights of autumn, and the […]